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Scientific Investigations Report 2008–5027

Scientific Investigations Report 2008–5027

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Table 9. Potential human-health effects of select pesticides detected in the lower Clackamas River basin, Oregon, 2000–2005.

Type: H, herbicide; I, insecticide; F, fungicide; N, nematocide; M, molluscicide. Carcinogen group: carcinogen classification from USEPA (2006) as follows: B2, Sufficient evidence in animals and inadequate or no evidence in humans to classify as a probable human carcinogen; C, Possible human carcinogen; D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity; E, Evidence of noncarcinogenicity for humans; L, Likely to be carcinogenic to humans; N, Not likely to be carcinogenic to humans. Endocrine disruptor: Draft List of Initial Pesticide Active Ingredients and Pesticide Inerts to be Considered for Screening under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2007). Cholinesterase inhibitor: Extoxnet (1993). Symbol: #, pesticide not detected since 2000–2001]

Pesticide Type Carcinogen
2,4-D H D Potential
Atrazine H N Potential
Azinphos-methyl I Potential Yes
Bromacil H C
Carbaryl I L Potential Yes
Chlorothalonil F B2 Potential
Chlorpyrifos I/N D Potential Yes
Cycloate H Yes
Dacthal (DCPA) H C Potential
Diazinon I E Potential Yes
Dichlobenil# H Potential
Dichlorvos I Potential Yes
Dieldrin I B2
Diuron H L
Endosulfan I Potential
Ethoprop I/N 1L Potential Yes
Fonofos I N Yes
Glyphosate H D Potential
Hexazinone H D
Imidacloprid I Potential
Iprodione F Potential
Linuron# H Potential
Malathion I D Potential Yes
Metalaxyl F Potential
Methiocarb I/M Potential Yes
Metolachlor H C
Myclobutanil F Potential
Norflurazon H Potential
Prometon H D
Pronamide H B2 Potential
Propiconazole F 2C Potential
Propoxur I Yes
Simazine H N Potential
Tebuthiuron H D
Terbacil# H E
Trifluralin H C Potential

1 Ethoprop is a likely carcinogen (USEPA,, accessed July 10, 2007), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (1999b).

2 USEPA (, accessed July 10, 2007).

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