Description of Appendix 1 Directory names and description Four sets of animations are contained in four directories in appendix 1. Each directory contains animations of a different part of the model reach. These include the lower reach, meanders, overall reach, and upper reach. Figure 1.1 shows the location of the lower reach, meanders, and upper reach. The overall reach includes the entire model reach. File name description File names of animations within each directory reflect the stage at the Kansas City, Missouri ALERT gage for each flood inundation stage. Flood inundation was determined for 2-foot stage intervals from 763.8 to 787.8 feet. For example, the file 763.8.avi depicts the flow animation for flood inundation at 763.8 ft stage elevation at the Kansas City, Missouri ALERT gage at 63rd Street. In each directory two files, 1990flood.avi and 2004flood.avi, depict the flow animations for floods from May 15, 1990 and May 14, 2004. Description of animations Each animation depicts velocity magnitude and direction by randomly distributing particles throughout the simulated flow field. Each particle has a fixed time until it decays and another particle is added. Particles travel in the direction of flow and particles distributed in areas of greater velocity magnitude have longer flow traces because they travel farther within the fixed time before they decay. Particles distributed in areas of lesser velocity magnitude have shorter flow traces because they do not travel far within the fixed time before they decay. As water transitions between areas of low and high velocity, the speed and length of the flow trace reflects these changes. Furthermore, contractions, expansions, and bends in the flow (i.e. through bridge openings, over road embankments, and around meander bends) are reflected by the flow traces in these areas. For additional information please contact: Missouri Water Science Center Director U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Discipline 1400 Independence Road, MS-100 Rolla, Missouri 65401