USGS - science for a changing world

Scientific Investigations Report 2008–5071

Scientific Investigations Report 2008–5071

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Table 3. Summary information for wells completed in the Eastbank Aquifer system, Douglas County, Washington.

[Locations of wells are shown in figure 2. USGS well No.: See figure 4 for explanation of well-numbering system. Latitudes and longitudes of the wells are on file with the U.S. Geological Survey. Completion date of well: Source of information is well log or first mention in previous studies. Altitude of land surface: Datum is National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD 29). Depth of well: Source of information is well log unless otherwise noted. Type of log available in this study: C, down-hole camera; D, driller’s; G1, natural gamma from previous studies; G2, natural gamma from this study; L, lithology. Abbreviations: USGS, U.S. Geological Survey;–, not available]

Local well name USGS well No. Completion date of well Hydrogeologic unit to which well is open Altitude of land surface (feet) Depth of well (feet) Primary use of water since completion of Rocky Reach Dam Type of log available in this study Remarks
CD6 24N/20E-35Q06 1972 or earlier; probably 1957 or earlier Lower Aquifer 744.7 216 Monitoring C, G2, L Open-end well (no perforations).
CD8 24N/20E-35R01 1957 or earlier Clay Confining Unit 724.0 231 Monitoring L Open-end well (no perforations). Well may be open to a sand lens connected to the Lower Aquifer based on cross section A-A' by Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation (1959); the water-level response to the 2-hour shutdown of pumping on July 18, 2007; and the fact that this well is used to monitor the integrity of the subsurface cutoff wall.
CD10 24N/20E-35Q01 1959 or earlier; probably 1957 or earlier __ 733.6 230 Monitoring L Well may be open to the Lower Aquifer based on cross section A-A’ by Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation (1959); the water-level response to the 2-hour shutdown of pumping on July 18, 2007; and the fact that this well is used to monitor the integrity of the subsurface cutoff wall.
CD47 24N/20E-35Q02 1959 or earlier; probably 1957 or earlier Lower Aquifer 746.6 245 Monitoring C, G2, L
CT well field
CT1 24N/20E-35K10 November 1987 Lower Aquifer 747.7 206 Hatchery D
CT2 24N/20E-35Q04 November 1987 Lower Aquifer 748.1 204 Hatchery D
CT3 24N/20E-35Q03 December 1987 Lower Aquifer 749.9 213 Hatchery D
CT4 24N/20E-35K11 January 1988 Lower Aquifer 747.9 203 Hatchery D
LR well field
LR1 24N/20E-35H04 after 1977 and before 1988 Combined Aquifer 750 Irrigation Altitude of land surface is ±10 ft.
LR2-E 24N/20E-35H01 after 1977 and before 1988 Combined Aquifer 770 157 Irrigation Altitude of land surface is ±10 ft. Depth of well estimated from hydrogeologic cross section by CH2M Hill (1988).
LR2-W 24N/20E-35H02 after 1977 and before 1988 Combined Aquifer 770 Irrigation Altitude of land surface is ±10 ft; Chelan County PUD notes indicate this well is 140 ft deep.
RW well field
RW1 24N/20E-35K07 July 1977 Lower Aquifer 742.7 219 Public Supply D
RW2 24N/20E-35K08 July 1979 Lower Aquifer 747.6 226 Public Supply D
RW3 24N/20E-35K09 June 1979 Lower Aquifer 746.8 230 Public Supply D
RW4 24N/20E-35H03 June 1979 Lower Aquifer 737.8 179 Public Supply D
SW well field
SW11 24N/20E-35Q05 1959 or earlier Lower Aquifer 726.9 Irrigation
SW13 24N/20E-35K12 1959 or earlier Lower Aquifer 740.3 176 Irrigation/Dam
SW14 24N/20E-35K13 1959 or earlier Lower Aquifer 737.8 Irrigation/Dam
TH1 24N/20E-35K05 1977 Lower Aquifer 748.1 190 Monitoring D, G1
TH2 24N/20E-35K06 1977 Lower Aquifer 741.4 225 Monitoring C, D, G1, G2
TH4 24N/20E-35K02 1977 Lower Aquifer 723.8 170 Monitoring C, D, G1
TH5 24N/20E-35G01 July 1987 Upper Aquifer 713.1 47 Monitoring C, D
TH6 24N/20E-35G02 July 1987 Combined Aquifer 727.6 134 Monitoring C, D, G2
TH7 24N/20E-35K01 July 1987 Lower Aquifer 723.8 176 Monitoring C, D
TH8 24N/20E-35K04 November 1987 Lower Aquifer 747.8 255 Monitoring C, D Open-end well (no perforations).
TH9 24N/20E-35K03 October 1987 Lower Aquifer 743.2 211 Monitoring C, D

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