USGS - science for a changing world

Scientific Investigations Report 2008–5071

Scientific Investigations Report 2008–5071

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Table 4. Differences between water levels measured manually and those recorded by the monitoring network, Eastbank Aquifer system, Douglas County, Washington, February 2006 and July 2007.

[Locations of wells are shown in figure 2. USGS well no.: See figure 4 for explanation of well-numbering system. Latitudes and longitudes of the wells are on file with the U.S. Geological Survey. Difference between manually measured and recorded water levels: negative values indicate that manually measured water levels are lower than recorded water levels, and positive values indicate that they are higher. February 6-8, 2006: Values computed from data provided by K. deRubertis and others (written commun., 2007). July 18, 2007: Values are medians of differences computed from multiple measurements between 11:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., Pacific Daylight Time. Abbreviations: USGS, U.S. Geological Survey; –, not available]

Local well name USGS well No. Difference between manually
measured and recorded water
levels (feet)
February 6–8, 2006 July 18, 2007
CD8 24N/20E-35R01 0.01 2.57
CD10 24N/20E-35Q01 -2.39 3.39
CD47 24N/20E-35Q02 .4 1.22
CT3 24N/20E-35Q03 .72 .79
LR2-W 24N/20E-35H02 .53
TH1 24N/20E-35K05
TH4 24N/20E-35K02 9.51 1.96
TH5 24N/20E-35G01 .7 1.30
TH6 24N/20E-35G02 -.08 -.29
TH7 24N/20E-35K01 .66 1.07
TH8 24N/20E-35K04 -.36 .42
TH9 24N/20E-35K03 .23 1.08

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