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Scientific Investigations Report 2008–5089

Scientific Investigations Report 2008–5089

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Table 1. Summary of selected previous investigations (1961–2006) on geology, hydrology, and water characteristics of ground water and perched ground water, Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho.

[Abbreviations: NRTS, National Reactor Testing Station; RWMC, Radioactive Waste Management Complex; INEL, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory; INEEL, Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory; INL, Idaho National Laboratory; RTC, Reactor Technology Complex; ICPP, Idaho Chemical Processing Plant; INTEC, Idaho Nuclear Technology and Engineering Center]

Reference Investigation period Summary
Ground water
Jones (1961) Hydrology of waste disposal at the NRTS, Idaho.
Olmsted (1962) Chemical and physical character of ground water at the NRTS, Idaho.
Morris and others (1963, 1964, 1965) Hydrology of waste disposal at the NRTS, Idaho.
Barraclough and others (1967a) 1965 Hydrology of the NRTS, Idaho.
Barraclough and others (1967b) 1966 Hydrology of the NRTS, Idaho.
Nace and others (1975) Generalized geologic framework of the NRTS, Idaho.
Robertson and others (1974) Effects of waste disposal on the geochemistry of ground water at the NRTS, Idaho.
Barraclough and others (1976) Hydrology of the solid waste burial ground (now the RWMC).
Barraclough and Jenson (1976) 1971–73 Hydrologic data for the Idaho INEL, Idaho.
Barraclough and others (1981) 1974–78 Hydrologic conditions for the INEL, Idaho.
Ground water–Continued
Lewis and Jensen (1985) 1979–81 Hydrologic conditions for the INEL, Idaho.
Pittman and others (1988) 1982–85 Hydrologic conditions for the INEL, Idaho.
Orr and Cecil (1991) 1986–88 Hydrologic conditions and distribution of selected chemical constituents in water at the INEL, Idaho.
Bartholomay and others (1995) 1989–91 Hydrologic conditions and distribution of selected radiochemical and chemical constituents in water, INEL, Idaho.
Bartholomay and others (1997) 1992–95 Hydrologic conditions and distribution of selected radiochemical and chemical constituents in water, INEL, Idaho.
Bartholomay and others (2000) 1996–98 Hydrologic conditions and distribution of selected constituents in water, INEEL, Idaho.
Davis (2006a) 1999–2001 Hydrologic conditions and distribution of selected radiochemical and chemical constituents in water, INL, Idaho.
Perched ground water
Barraclough, and others (1967a) 1965 Extent of perched ground water and distribution of selected wastewater constituents in perched ground water at the RTC.
Barraclough and others (1967b) 1966 Extent of perched ground water and distribution of selected wastewater constituents in perched ground water at the RTC.
Robertson and others (1974) Analysis of perched ground water and conditions related to the disposal of wastewater to the subsurface at the INEL.
Barraclough and Jensen (1976) Extent of perched ground water and distribution of selected wastewater constituents in perched ground water at the RTC.
Robertson (1977) Numerical model simulating flow and transport of chemical and radionuclide constituents through perched water at the RTC.
Barraclough and others (1981) 1974–78 Hydrologic conditions for the INEL, Idaho.
Lewis and Jensen (1985) 1979–81 Hydrologic conditions for the INEL, Idaho.
Pittman and others (1988) 1982–85 Hydrologic conditions for the INEL, Idaho.
Hull (1989) Conceptual model that described migration pathways for wastewater and constituents from the radioactive-waste infiltration ponds at the RTC.
Anderson and Lewis (1989) Correlation of drill cores and geophysical logs to describe a sequence of basalt flows and sedimentary interbeds in the unsaturated zones underlying the RWMC.
Anderson (1991) Correlation of drill cores and geophysical logs to describe a sequence of basalt flows and sedimentary interbeds in the unsaturated zones underlying the RTC, and INTEC.
Ackerman (1991) Analyzed data from 43 aquifer tests conducted in 22 wells to estimate transmissivity of basalts and sedimentary interbeds containing perched ground water beneath the RTC and INTEC.
Cecil and others (1991) 1986–88 Mechanisms for formation of perched water at the RTC, ICPP, and RWMC, INEL, Idaho; distribution of chemical and radiochemical constituents in perched water at the RTC, ICPP and RWMC.

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