USGS - science for a changing world

Scientific Investigations Report 2008–5089

Scientific Investigations Report 2008–5089

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Table 14. Concentrations of tritium, strontium-90, cesium-137, selected transuranic elements, and dissolved chloride in perched ground-water from well USGS 92, Radioactive Waste Management Complex, Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho, 2002–05.

[Well No.: Location of well is shown in figure 21. Analyses completed by the Radiological and Environmental Sciences Laboratory and the National Water Quality Laboratory. Analyses for radionuclides, analytical uncertainties are reported as 1 times the sample standard deviation. Concentrations equal to or greater than 3 times the sample standard deviation are considered to be greater than the reporting level. Abbreviations: pCi/mL, picocurie per milliliter; pCi/L, picocurie per liter; mg/L, milligram per liter; NR, analysis not requested; NS, not sampled due to lack of water or because water level was below pump intake; USGS, U.S. Geological Survey. Symbol: ±, plus or minus]

Well No. Date Tritium
Plutonium-239, 240
USGS 92 03-14-2002 NR NR NR 0.004±0.007 -0.011±0.007 0.01±0.02 NR
04-11-2002 0.39±0.14 0.2±0.8 -14.9±36.1 0.004±0.007 -0.004±0.009 0.012±0.0207 87
10-23-2002 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS
04-10-2003 0.3±0.14 0±0.7 -20±30 -0.003±0.003 0.003±0.006 0.003±0.009 NR
10-09-2003 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS
04-12-2004 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS
04-14-2005 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS

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