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Scientific Investigations Report 2008–5089

Scientific Investigations Report 2008–5089

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Table 9. Trace elements disposed during various periods, number of wells sampled, and range of concentrations detected, Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho, 2002–05.

[Because the amounts of each constituent in wastewater discharged from INL facilities have not been compiled annually from monitoring data since 1998, no amounts are available for 1999–2005. Amount disposed, disposal period, and disposal facility from Bartholomay and others, 2000. Abbreviations: LRL, Laboratory Reporting Level; NR, none recorded; ND, not detected; INL, Idaho National Laboratory; INTEC, Idaho Nuclear Technology and Engineering Center; NWQL SH/LC, National Water Quality Laboratory Schedule/Lab Code; lb, pound; µg/L, microgram per liter. Symbol: < less than]

Constituent Approximate amount
Number of wells
sampled at the INL
Range of
LRL(s) used 2002–05
Aluminum 117 1995–98 INTEC 13 1.43–5.66 1.00,1.6 or 15 SH 1050
Antimony NR NR INL 9 0.12–0.19 0.048, 0.05, 0.2,0.3 SH 1050
Arsenic 11 1971–98 INL 10 1.59–3.16 1.9, 2 SH 1281, LC 2160
Barium 4,740 1971–98 INL 13 14.9–70.5 0.050,0.2 SH 1050, SH 1281
Beryllium <1 1971–98 INL 10 ND 0.06 SH 1050
Cadmium 22 1971–98 INL 10 0.04–028 0.037, 0.04 SH 1050, SH 1281
Cobalt NR NR INL 10 0.04–0.31 0.04 SH 1050
Copper 81 1995–98 INTEC 10 0.23–9.7 0.4 SH 1050
Iron 752 1995–98 INTEC 9 0.18–1.0 10 SH 1254, LC 645
Lead 556 1971–98 INL 12 0.32–15.57 0.08 SH 1050, SH 1281
Lithium NR NR INL 4 2.6–24.4 0.3, 0.5, 0.6 SH 1254
Manganese 44 1995–98 INTEC 13 0.19–6.2 0.1, 0.18, 0.2 SH 1050
Mercury 141 1971–98 INL 13 ND 0.011, 0.018, 0.020, 0.010 SH 1281, LC 2707
Molybdenum NR NR INL 11 0.98–6.3 0.1, 0.17, 0.2 SH 1050
Nickel NR NR INL 10 0.07–4.3 0.06 SH 1050
Selenium 9 1971–98 INL 4 1.18–2.46 2.0, 2.6 SH 1281, LC 2161
Silver 190 1971–98 INL 10 ND 1.0, 0.2 SH 1050, SH 1281
Strontium (stable) NR NR INL 4 164.8–259.6 0.08, 0.2, 0.4 SH 1254
Thallium NR NR INL 5 ND 0.041, .04 LC 2508
Uranium NR NR INL 9 1.4–2.9 0.018-0.04 SH 1050
Vanadium NR NR INL 2 4.6–4.8 0.21, 0.13, 0.14 LC 2509
Zinc 5,240 1971–98 INL 13 0.67–472.4 0.6 SH 1050

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