USGS - science for a changing world

Scientific Investigations Report 2008–5135

Scientific Investigations Report 2008–5135

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Data files that contain plant characteristics (appendix A) and the complete chamber component- and landscape-scale ET flux measurements (appendixes B and C) are presented in three spreadsheets in a Microsoft© Excel workbook. The appendixes can be accessed and downloaded at URL

Appendix A. Plant Characteristics Including Plant Crown Height, Ratio of Plant Crown Cover to Chamber Area, and Relative-Plant-Crown Cover of Creosote Bush, Shadescale, Burrobush, and Wolfberry at the Amargosa Desert Research Site Near Beatty, Nye County, Nevada, August 2003 through January 2006.

Appendix B. Partitioned Bare-Soil Evaporation and Plant Transpiration from Chamber Measurements of Evapotranspiration at the Amargosa Desert Research Site Near Beatty, Nye County, Nevada, January 2003 through January 2006.

Appendix C. Computed Landscape-Scale Evapotranspiration Using Chamber Measurements of Bare-Soil, Creosote Bush, Shadescale, Burrobush, and Wolfberry, and the Fractional Cover of Each Plant Species Across the Landscape at the Amargosa Desert Research Site Near Beatty, Nye County, Nevada, August 2003 through January 2006.

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