USGS - science for a changing world

Scientific Investigations Report 2008–5162

Scientific Investigations Report 2008–5162
Version 1.1, December 2008

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Table 3. Constituents determined in water and sediment samples and laboratory reporting levels.

[Values are ratios mathematically related to comparable ratios for an international standard. Abbreviations: δ, delta; NA, not applicable]

Constituent Laboratory
Calcium1, 2 30.02; 40.005
Chloride1 30.2
Fluoride1 30.1
Magnesium1, 2 30.008; 40.005
Potassium1, 2 30.16; 40.005
Dissolved solids1 310
Sodium1, 2 30.2; 40.005
Sulfate1 30.18
Aluminum2 40.005
Antimony2 60.1
Barium2 61
Beryllium2 60.1
Cadmium2 61
Chromium2 61
Cobalt2 61
Copper2 61
Lead2 61
Manganese1, 2 64
Molybdenum2 60.5
Nickel2 62
Silver2 60.1
Uranium2 0.1
Zinc2 62
Organic carbon1, 2 30.33; 40.01
Inorganic carbon2 40.01
Phosphorus1, 2 52; 40.005
Orthophosphate1 51
Kjeldahl nitrogen1 535
Ammonium1 51
Nitrate+nitrite1 51
Arsenic2 60.1
Bismuth2 61
Cerium2 61
Europium2 61
Gallium2 61
Gold2 61
Iron2 61
Lanthanum2 61
Lithium2 61
Mercury2 60.02
Neodymium2 61
Niobium2 64
Scandium2 62
Selenium2 60.1
Strontium2 622
Sulfur2 60.05
Tantalum2 61
Thallium2 61
Thorium2 61
Tin2 61
Titanium2 60.005
Vanadium2 62
Ytterbium2 61
Yttrium2 62
δ deuterium1 NA
δ oxygen-181 NA

1Constituent determined in water samples.

2Determined in sediment samples.

3Reporting level in milligrams per liter.

4Reporting level in percent.

5Reporting level in micrograms per liter.

6Reporting level in micrograms per gram.

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