USGS - science for a changing world

Scientific Investigations Report 2008–5204

Scientific Investigations Report 2008–5204

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Conversion Factors and Datums

Conversion Factors

Multiply By To obtain
centimeter (cm) 0.3940 inch (in.)
cubic feet per second (ft3/s) 0.02832 cubic meter per second (m3/s)
cubic meter (m3) 1.308 cubic yard (yd3)
kilometer (km) 0.6214 mile (m)
liter (L) 0.2642 gallon (gal)
meter (m) 3.281 foot (ft)
meter per second (m/s) 2.237 mile per hour (mph)
metric ton 1.102 Short ton [U.S.]
square kilometer (km2) 247.1 acre
square kilometer (km2) 0.3861 square mile (mi2)

Temperature in degrees Celsius (°C) may be converted to degrees Fahrenheit (°F) as follows:



Vertical coordinate information is referenced to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 1929).

Horizontal coordinate information is referenced to the North American Datum of 1927 (NAD 27).

Altitude, as used in this report, refers to distance above the vertical datum.

Water year is the 12-month period from October 1 through September 30 and is identified by the calendar year in which it ends. For example, the period October 1, 2006, through September 30, 2007, is designated water year 2007.

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