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Scientific Investigations Report 2009–5014

Scientific Investigations Report 2009–5014

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Table 4. Hydrogeologic units penetrated by oil exploration wells in the upper Humboldt River basin, northeastern Nevada.

[See pl. 1 and fig. 3 for well locations. Data obtained in 2007 from Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology at American Petroleum Institute (API)No.: Oil exploration wells are identified by their API number, which consists of three groups of digits separated by dashes. The API number for the first well in this table is 27-007-05010. The first two digits denote state (Nevada is 27). The second three digits denote county (Elko County is 007). The last five digits are assigned sequentially to wells as they are permitted and drilled]

Well No. Nevada
permit No.
API No. Altitude of
land surface
Total depth
Depth of
unit top
Hydrogeologic units
1 16 27-007-05010 5,973 6,612 0 Basin-fill deposits 1,600
1,600 Volcanic rocks 4,875
6,475 Carbonate rocks
2 178 27-007-05208 6,050 7,106 0 Older basin-fill deposits 1,690
1,690 Volcanic rocks 1,110
2,800 Older basin-fill deposits 1,430
4,230 Paleozoic rocks
3 552 27-007-05245 6,619 8,843 0 Mississippian clastic rocks 3,600
3,600 Devonian carbonate rocks
4 404 27-007-05233 6,076 10,000 0 Volcanic rocks 1,850
1,850 Older basin-fill deposits 200
2,050 Vinini Formation 4,400
6,450 Chainman Shale
5 377 27-007-05232 6,034 12,573 0 Younger basin-fill deposits 84
84 Volcanic rocks 88
172 Older basin-fill deposits 238
410 Mississippian clastic rocks 5,538
5,948 Carbonate rocks
6 12 27-007-05006 5,505 5,465 0 Younger basin-fill deposits 370
370 Older basin-fill deposits 2,940
3,310 Mississippian clastic rocks
7 729 27-007-05253 6,174 10,415 0 Volcanic rocks 1,230
1,230 Mississippian clastic rocks 7,579
8,809 Carbonate rocks
8 428 27-007-05234 5,910 8,865 0 Younger basin-fill deposits 115
115 Volcanic rocks 845
960 Older basin-fill deposits 940
1,900 Mississippian clastic rocks 4,040
5,940 Carbonate rocks
9 0 27-007-05004 5,250 4,125 0 Older basin-fill deposits 3,150
3,150 Carbonate rocks 500
3,650 Mississippian clastic rocks
10 182 27-007-05209 5,182 5,670 0 Older basin-fill deposits 3,420
3,420 Volcanic rocks 900
4,320 Older basin-fill deposits 1,170
5,490 Paleozoic rocks
11 24 27-007-05003 5,308 7,349 0 Younger basin-fill deposits 909
909 Older basin-fill deposits 243
1,152 Volcanic rocks 1,234
2,386 Older basin-fill deposits 684
3,070 Paleozoic rocks
12 590 27-007-05248 6,376 9,050 0 Mississippian clastic rocks 4,498
4,498 Carbonate rocks
13 246 27-007-05214 5,443 11,926 0 Older basin-fill deposits 11,926
14 263 27-007-05217 5,557 10,950 0 Younger basin-fill deposits 2,102
2,102 Older basin-fill deposits 7,436
9,538 Paleozoic rocks
15 297 27-007-05223 5,535 10,320 0 Younger basin-fill deposits 3,400
3,400 Older basin-fill deposits 4,770
8,170 Paleozoic rocks
16 716 27-007-05252 5,955 4,157 0 Younger basin-fill deposits 1,710
1,710 Older basin-fill deposits 1,990
3,700 Carbonate rocks

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