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Scientific Investigations Report 2009-5069

Evaluation of Sources of Nitrate Beneath Food Processing Wastewater-Application Sites near Umatilla, Oregon


End-member mixing analysis (EMMA) was used to determine the relative mixing amounts of water samples collected from wells at the Terrace Farm site and was robust in predicting the concentrations of the conservative solutes. The relative proportions of each end member were not inconsistent with the hydrogeologic setting. Nitrate and several other major ions (potassium and sodium), however, did not appear to be conservative.

Piper diagrams and constituent-constituent plots were used to determine which samples were affected by the wastewater at the North Farm application site.

The delta nitrogen-15 (δ15N) of nitrate generally ranged between +2 and +9 parts per thousand and the delta oxygen-18 (δ18O) of nitrate generally ranged between -2 and -7 parts per thousand. No relation was determined between δ15N and δ18O values and the proportion of a sample attributed to food-processing wastewater at the Terrace Farm application site. Additionally, no differences in nitrate-isotope values were detected between samples affected by the wastewater at the North Farm application site and samples that were not affected by the wastewater. These observations indicated that the nitrate derived from the food-processing wastewater likely was not distinct from other nitrate, because it overlaps with nitrate from ammonium fertilizer, animal and septic waste, and soil nitrogen. Values of δ15N and δ18O of nitrate provided no additional information about sources of nitrate in the Umatilla River basin than did a hydrologic and geochemical understanding of the ground-water system derived from interpreting water-level and major-ion chemistry data.

For additional information contact:
Director, Washington Water Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey, 934 Broadway - Suite 300
Tacoma, Washington 98402

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Page Last Modified: Thursday, 10-Jan-2013 19:28:11 EST