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Scientific Investigations Report 2009-5069

Evaluation of Sources of Nitrate Beneath Food Processing Wastewater-Application Sites near Umatilla, Oregon

Table 1. Selected chemical and isotopic analyses and proportions of water attributed to each end-member at the North Farm and Terrace Farm sites, Umatilla River basin, Oregon.

[Abbreviations: USGS, U.S. Geological Survey; m, meter; mg/L, milligram per liter; ‰, per mil; –, not determined; NA, not available; >, greater than]

USGS station 
No. Well
Elevation of water table (m) Top of screen in relation to water level (m) NO3 (mg/L) δ15N () δ18O () Tritium (TU) Recharge age (years) Proportion of water from each end member
Upgradient ground water Western ground water affected by irrigation canal leakage Terrace Farm water
Terrace Farm site
454625119192101 MW-14 170.5 -7.7 41.5 4.87 -3.82 0.05 48.9 0.11 0.89 0.00
454604119195501 MW-22 173.9 30.1 4.49 -3.01 .01 .99 .00
454636119184101 MW-38 171.6 .5 14.7 3.54 -2.91 .64 .31 .05
454612119184101 MW-39 179.2 -4.8 13.4 7.55 -5.80 .92 1.9 1.00 .00 .00
454546119181401 MW-40 181.2 -3.9 28.9 8.51 -5.99 .43 2.6 .92 .08 .00
454551119201001 MW-51 176.4 .6 9.95 4.39 -2.16 .58 .00 .42
454628119195301 MW-52 170.2 .8 36.1 4.24 -2.10 .00 1.00 .00
454638119190901 MW-53 166.6 .2 53.5 2.36 -2.06 4.03 1.6 .00 .00 1.00
454546119193901 MW-54 177.8 -.5 22.0 6.27 -4.12 .19 .81 .00
454700119193501 Terrace-1 165.8 -2.1 46.1 5.87 -2.87 4.58 7.8
454657119192501 Terrace-2 165.8 -3.4 30.6 4.62 -3.25 2.8 8.2 .15 .82 .03
454656119190801 Terrace-3 165.9 -2.5 28.2 4.56 -3.42 .24 .72 .04
North Farm site
455128119224901 MW-3 171.9 -17.1 8.58 3.40 -4.08
455150119221901 MW-4 172.1 -17.9 25.9 4.95 -3.53
455128119224301 MW-101 171.6 -3.1 48.0 6.27 -3.06 6.7 5
455100119234101 MW-331 156.8 -7.7 15.4 4.20 -5.40 .04 >50
455104119235401 MW-34 155.1 -5.1 13.9
455102119235501 MW-35 154.7 -2.9 10.3
455106119234901 MW-36 156.7 -5.5 14.1
455111119235401 11-1 156.3 -4.0 16.6
455046119235001 11-2 153.8 1.0 17.7
455058119232401 11-31 160.9 -1.7 12.5 4.52 -4.96 .04 >50
455115119232401 11-4 164.3 -5.0 10.2 1.87 -5.67
455106119234401 11-5 157.8 -5.7 11.9
455054119242101 11-6 153.2 -.2 11.0
455058119240701 11-71 154.5 -1.6 14.9 6.24 -6.33 .07 >50
455107119240701 11-8 154.9 -1.0 13.6
455045119240801 11-9 154.0 .1 13.6 4.06 -6.56
455040119235701 11-10 153.9 -.7 6.29 3.07 -5.39

1Nitrate and isotope values are average of January and April samples.

For additional information contact:
Director, Washington Water Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey, 934 Broadway - Suite 300
Tacoma, Washington 98402

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URL: http:// /pubs/sir/2009/5069/table1.html
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Page Last Modified: Thursday, 10-Jan-2013 19:28:14 EST