Scientific Investigations Report 2009–5073
Table 3. Concentrations of selected dissolved constituents in water collected from Cave Springs, a permanent pool in Lehman Caves, and two nearby springs at Great Basin National Park, Nevada. [Site locations are shown in figure 2. Analyses were done by laboratories listed in table 2. Cave Springs prior to reconstruction of water-collection system: Analyses of Cave Springs water prior to reconstruction of water-collection system in 1996 (Gretchen Baker, National Park Service, Great Basin National Park, written commun., 2008). Nevada State Health Laboratory collected and analyzed sample. All values are in milligrams per liter except for specific conductance, pH, and temperature. Temperature is rounded to nearest 0.1 degree Celsius (ºC); pH is rounded to nearest 0.01 unit. Symbols: –, not determined; <, less than; E, estimated]
1Field measurement. 2 Nitrate concentrations reported as nitrate (NO3) and were calculated for the four samples collected in September 2007 as the difference in nitrate-plus-nitrite and nitrite concentrations listed in table 4. 3 Residue upon evaporation at 180°C. |
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