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Scientific Investigations Report 2009–5073

Geochemical Investigation of Source Water to Cave Springs, Great Basin National Park, White Pine County, Nevada

Table 7. Saturation indexes for selected minerals and the partial pressure of carbon dioxide gas calculated from dissolved chemistry in water from Cave Springs prior to and after reconstruction of water-collection system and from Marmot Spring, Great Basin National Park, Nevada.

[Site locations are shown in figure 2. Concentration of dissolved oxygen was used for the Redox state. Saturation index: A measure of disequilibrium expressed as the log of the ratio of the ion activity product (IAP) divided by the solubility product at the measured water temperature (Kt). A value of zero means the water is in equilibrium with a particular mineral. A value less than zero means the water is undersaturated with respect to a particular mineral and a value greater than zero means the water is oversaturated with respect to a particular mineral]

Mineral Saturation index
Name Cations Site 1
Cave Springs 

July 1987
Site 1
Cave Springs 

September 2007
Site 4
Marmot Spring 

September 2007
Carbonate minerals
Calcite Calcium -1.70 -1.11 -2.96
Dolomite Calcium, magnesium -3.90 -3.00 -6.41
Siderite Iron -11.34 -9.72 -12.20
Rhodochrosite Manganese -3.31 -0.82 -4.53
Strontianite Strontium -3.50 -2.94 -4.80
Partial pressure of carbon dioxide (gas) -2.32 -1.83 -1.21
Sulfate minerals
Gypsum Calcium -3.58 -3.29 -3.48
Celesite Strontium -4.22 -3.95 -4.16
Fluoride mineral
Fluorite Calcium -3.30 -2.84 -3.61
Silicate minerals
Quartz 0.63 0.57 0.57
Potassium feldspar Potassium, aluminum -0.86 -1.48 -4.07
Albite Sodium, aluminum -2.53 -3.15 -5.61
Anorthite Calcium, aluminum -5.05 -5.54 -11.03
Potassium mica Potassium, aluminum, magnesium, iron 6.77 5.50 0.07
Clay minerals
Illite Aluminum 0.97 -0.08 -4.61
Kaolinite Aluminum 4.12 3.34 0.51
Hydroxide minerals
Gibbsite Aluminum 1.05 0.72 -0.70
Manganite Manganese 2.58 4.23 0.26
Oxide minerals
Goethite Iron, hydrogen 7.26 8.15 5.29

For additional information contact:
Director, Nevada Water Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey
2730 N. Deer Run Road
Carson City, Nevada 89701

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