Scientific Investigations Report 2009–5123
Table 1. Groundwater and surface-water sites in the Johnson Creek basin, Oregon. [Map No.: refers to the number on plate 1. USGS site No.: a unique 8 or 15 digit identification number. Additional information on groundwater and surface-water sites are available from the USGS National Water Information System (NWIS) online at using the USGS site number. OWRD well No.: Oregon Water Resources Department well number. Well reports (logs) documenting the well installation with information describing the well location, type of subsurface materials encountered, well depth, construction, and the depth to water are available online at using the OWRD well number. Site name and location: All sites in Portland, Oregon, except as noted (name and approximate location). UTM Easting: The X-coordinate used to identify the position of a feature based on the distance, in meters, east or west from the central meridian of the UTM zone (UTM zone 10; NAD 1927). UTM Northing: The Y-coordinate used to identify the position of a feature based on the distance, in meters, north of the equator (NAD 1927). Land-surface elevation: The elevation of the land-surface in feet above NGVD (1929) as determined from a digital elevation model (d) or from a topographic map (m). Elevation may differ from previously published values due to new method of determination. Open interval: In a well, the screened part through which water enters. If open interval not known, used depth of well (e). Data type (a): PL, periodic water-level measurement; CL, continuous groundwater level recorder; PQ, periodic streamflow measurement; CQ, continuous stream level and streamflow recorder; CT, continuous stream temperature recorder; RT, real-time telemetry. Abbreviations: UTM, Universal Transverse Mercator; ft, foot; m, meter; –, not available]
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