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Scientific Investigations Report 2009–5123

Hydrology of the Johnson Creek Basin, Oregon

Table 1. Groundwater and surface-water sites in the Johnson Creek basin, Oregon.

[Map No.: refers to the number on plate 1. USGS site No.: a unique 8 or 15 digit identification number. Additional information on groundwater and surface-water sites are available from the USGS National Water Information System (NWIS) online at using the USGS site number. OWRD well No.: Oregon Water Resources Department well number. Well reports (logs) documenting the well installation with information describing the well location, type of subsurface materials encountered, well depth, construction, and the depth to water are available online at using the OWRD well number. Site name and location: All sites in Portland, Oregon, except as noted (name and approximate location). UTM Easting: The X-coordinate used to identify the position of a feature based on the distance, in meters, east or west from the central meridian of the UTM zone (UTM zone 10; NAD 1927). UTM Northing: The Y-coordinate used to identify the position of a feature based on the distance, in meters, north of the equator (NAD 1927). Land-surface elevation: The elevation of the land-surface in feet above NGVD (1929) as determined from a digital elevation model (d) or from a topographic map (m). Elevation may differ from previously published values due to new method of determination. Open interval: In a well, the screened part through which water enters. If open interval not known, used depth of well (e). Data type (a): PL, periodic water-level measurement; CL, continuous groundwater level recorder; PQ, periodic streamflow measurement; CQ, continuous stream level and streamflow recorder; CT, continuous stream temperature recorder; RT, real-time telemetry. Abbreviations: UTM, Universal Transverse Mercator; ft, foot; m, meter; –, not available]

USGS site No./
OWRD well No.
Site name and location UTM
Open interval
depth below land
surface (ft)
type (a)
Easting Northing From To
Groundwater sites
1 452841122295401/MULT 2876 159th Ave. and Martins St. 539194 5035974 244 (d) 125 135 PL
2 453056122295801/MULT 2838 160th Ave. and Taylor St. 539075 5040204 247 (d) 77 85 PL
3 452840122302201/– 150th Ave. and Foster Rd. 538556 5035928 238 (d) 51 54 PL
4 452840122302202/– 150th Ave. and Foster Rd. 538555 5035929 238 (d) 14 17 PL
5 452916122305801/MULT 4693 141st Ave. and Holgate Blvd. 537811 5037029 398 (d) 277 277 PL
6 452842122305801/MULT 195 134th Ave. and SE Foster Rd. 537801 5036001 243 (d) 38 38 PL
7 452854122305901/MULT 2886 141st Ave. and Ellis St. 537795 5036366 276 (d) 110 (e) PL
8 452859122311001/MULT 4596 139th Ave. and Ellis St. 537557 5036501 271 (d) 79 79 PL
9 452912122312801/MULT 2881 133rd Ave. and Raymond St. 537147 5036903 229 (d) 50 58 CL, RT
10 452919122313702/MULT 60838 132nd Ave. and Long St. 536972 5037132 191 (d) 12 23 PL
11 452919122313601/– 132nd Ave. and Long St. (piezometer) 536990 5037130 183 (d) 11 9 PL
12 452858122322801/MULT 52202 117th Ave. and Harold St. 535856 5036481 202 (d) 48 65 PL
13 452824122325401/MULT 4279 110th Ave. and Foster Rd. 535311 5035412 214 (d) 96 126 PL
14 452841122330001/– Beggars Tick Marsh Park, 111th Ave. and Foster Rd. 535166 5035926 207 (d) 6 (e) PL
15 452912122340401/MULT 50871 Lents Park (deep), 92nd Ave. and Raymond St., lower open interval 533778 5036902 251 (d) 407 437 PL
upper open interval 377 397
16 452921122340401/MULT 63388 Lents Park (shallow), 92nd Ave. and Pardee St. 533774 5037152 261 (d) 107 127 PL
17 452851122350801/MULT 63293 Mount Scott Park, 74th Ave. and Knight St. 532381 5036246 233 (d) 102 122 PL
18 452725122354301/CLAC 347 64th Ave. and Johnson Creek Blvd.,Milwaukie 531607 5033575 149 (d) 130 143 PL
19 452825122355501/MULT 63294 Brentwood Park, 62nd Ave. and Cooper St. 531376 5035423 255 (d) 134 154 CL
20 452859122364701/MULT 63237 Woodstock Park, 47th Ave. and Harold St. 530244 5036480 238 (d) 147 167 CL
21 452822122372001/MULT 63234 Berkeley Park, 39th Ave. and Bybee Blvd. 529538 5035326 194 (d) 102 122 CL
22 452909122375001/MULT 2784 32nd Ave. and Steele St. 528867 5036780 137 (d) 77 77 PL
23 452827122382401/MULT 63238 Westmoreland Park (shallow), 23rd Ave. and Bybee Blvd. 528141 5035465 52 (d) 20 25 CL
24 452827122382402/MULT 63239 Westmoreland Park (deep), 23rd Ave. and Bybee Blvd. 528139 5035462 52 (d) 76 96 CL
Surface-water sites
25 452823122240900 Johnson Creek at Palmblad Rd. near Gresham 546724 5035448 360 (m) PQ
26 14211400 Johnson Creek at Regner Rd. at Gresham 545282 5036930 305 (m) CQ, CT, RT
27 452944122260000 Johnson Creek at Walters Rd. at Gresham 544276 5037910 290 (m) PQ
28 452917122275700 Johnson Creek at 190th Ave. at Gresham 541707 5037098 260 (m) PQ
29 14211499 Kelley Creek at 159th Dr. 539321 5035863 245 (m) CQ, CT, RT
30 14211500 Johnson Creek at Sycamore 538559 5035928 228 (m) CQ, CT, RT
31 452835122324200 Johnson Creek at Brookside Park 535585 5035749 220 (m) PQ
32 452747122344000 Johnson Creek at 82nd Ave. 533012 5034327 190 (m) PQ
33 452743122365400 Johnson Creek at 45th Ave. 530068 5034124 80 (m) PQ
34 452749122370000 Errol Spring Creek at mouth 529965 5034331 80 (m) PQ
35 452750122365300 Storm Drain adjacent to Errol Spring Creek 529963 5034356 80 (m) PQ
36 452754122374800 Johnson Creek at Berkeley Pl. 528990 5034455 70 (m) PQ
37 452740122382700 Johnson Creek at Sherrett St. 528104 5034023 40 (m) PQ
38 452856122380000 Crystal Springs Creek at Reed College 528656 5036369 70 (m) PQ
39 14211542 Crystal Springs Creek at Bybee Blvd. 528074 5035472 50 (m) CT, PQ
40 14211546 Crystal Springs Creek at mouth 528016 5033990 40 (m) CT, PQ
41 14211550 Johnson Creek at Milwaukie 527998 5033126 30 (m) CQ, CT, RT
42 14211559 Johnson Creek at mouth at Milwaukie 527966 5032226 20 (m) PQ
43 452919122313701 Holgate Lake 537000 5037130 190 (d) CL, PL
44 14211720 Willamette River 526050 5040330 2 (m) CQ, RT
45 14141500 Little Sandy River near Bull Run 564920 5029220 720 (m) CQ, RT
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For additional information contact:

Director, Oregon Water Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey
2130 SW 5th Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97201

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Page Last Modified: Thursday, 10-Jan-2013 19:33:42 EST