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Scientific Investigations Report 2010-5018

Prepared for the Bureau of Land Management

Mercury Assessment and Monitoring Protocol for the Bear Creek Watershed, Colusa County, California

By Thomas H. Suchanek, Roger L. Hothem, James J. Rytuba, and Julie L. Yee

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This report summarizes the known information on the occurrence and distribution of mercury (Hg) in physical/chemical and biological matrices within the Bear Creek watershed. Based on these data, a matrix-specific monitoring protocol for the evaluation of the effectiveness of activities designed to remediate Hg contamination in the Bear Creek watershed is presented. The monitoring protocol documents procedures for collecting and processing water, sediment, and biota for estimation of total Hg (TotHg) and monomethyl mercury (MMeHg) in the Bear Creek watershed. The concurrent sampling of TotHg and MMeHg in biota as well as water and sediment from 10 monitoring sites is designed to assess the relative bioavailability of Hg released from Hg sources in the watershed and identify environments conducive to Hg methylation. These protocols are designed to assist landowners, land managers, water quality regulators, and scientists in determining whether specific restoration/mitigation actions lead to significant progress toward achieving water quality goals to reduce Hg in Bear and Sulphur Creeks.

First posted April 14, 2010

For additional information contact:
Director, Western Ecological Research Center
3020 State University Drive East
Modoc Hall, Room 3006
Sacramento, CA 95819

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Suggested citation:

Suchanek, T.H., Hothem, R.L., Rytuba, J.J., and Yee, J.L., 2010, Mercury assessment and monitoring protocol for the Bear Creek Watershed, Colusa County, California: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2010-5018, 34 p.




Mercury Monitoring Protocol

Summary and Conclusions


References Cited

Appendix A. Fish Processing Form for Bear Creek Mercury Study

Appendix B. Invertebrate Laboratory Processing Form for Bear Creek Mercury Study

Appendix C. Labels for Sample Containers

Appendix D. Example Chain of Custody Form

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