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Scientific Investigations Report 2010–5065

Channel Change and Bed-Material Transport in the Lower Chetco River, Oregon

Table 3. Map and survey data reviewed in the sediment transport study, Chetco River, Oregon.

[Abbreviations: FPkm, flood-plain kilometer; LIDAR, light detection and ranging; NAVD88, North American Vertical Datum of 1988; USACE, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; GLO, General Land Office; SCS, Soil Conservation Service; USGS, U.S. Geological Survey; m3/s, cubic meter per second]

Original source for map or survey Type of map 
or survey Date of map 
or survey Date(s) of survey Coverage Comments
USACE Navigational bathymetry map 1939 June 20–July 14, 1939 FPkm 0–4.5 Scanned, rectified and digitized by USGS personnel using 1939 aerial photographs.
GLO Township survey 1879 September 16–
October 2, 1845 and February 25–
March 12, 1879 FPkm 3–11.5 Survey to delineate township and section lines; channel and gravel bar locations were surveyed at the section boundaries, with intervening areas approximated.
SCS Flood study 1979 1977 FPkm 0–16 Cross sections converted to NAVD88 vertical datum (this study) for comparison with 2008 data.
Watershed Sciences, Inc. LIDAR survey Expected release in 2009 May 3–July 6, 2008 FPkm 0–16 Discharge during LIDAR flight ranged from approximately 37 m3/s.
USGS Bathyemetric survey This study September 16 and 17, 2008 FPkm 0–3.5 Bathymetric survey of Chetco River estuary using Echosounder to produce 3–5 depth measurements per meter of survey line.
USGS Cross section and long profile survey This study October 7–9, 2008 FPkm 3–16 See accompanying GIS layers and metadata for map and survey descriptions.

Revised July 2012

First posted May 26, 2010

For additional information contact:
Oregon Water Science Center, Director
U.S. Geological Survey
2130 SW 5th Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97201

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