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Scientific Investigations Report 2010–5065

Channel Change and Bed-Material Transport in the Lower Chetco River, Oregon

Table 5. Summary of bedload measurements for winter 2008–09, Chetco River, Oregon.

[Measurements at U.S. Geological Survey streamflow-gaging station 14400000 with TR-2 sampler; using modified version of single equal-width-increment method of Edwards and Glysson (1999). Abbreviations: kg, kilogram; mm, millimeter; m3/s, cubic meter per second, m, meter; kg/s, kilogram per second]

(date and 
start time) Number of verticals Sample 
(kg) Median particle size 
(mm) Water discharge (m3/s) Channel 
(m) Bedload discharge (kg/s) Comments
12-28-08 at 1100 10 102.4 31 1,190 70 78.4 Poor sampler contact with channel bed for some verticals.
12-28-08 at 1400 10 193.9 13 1,120 70 148.4 Good sampler contact with channel bed for most verticals.
02-24-09 at 1123 9 21.6 .8 290 60 15.7 Sampler support cable failed at vertical 8; calculation assumes no material for verticals 8 and 9, so this should be considered a minimum value.

Revised July 2012

First posted May 26, 2010

For additional information contact:
Oregon Water Science Center, Director
U.S. Geological Survey
2130 SW 5th Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97201

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