Revision History for Scientific Investigations Report 2010-5080 John S. Clarke, Lester J. Williams, and Gregory C. Cherry Hydrogeology and Water Quality of the Floridan Aquifer System and Effect of Lower Floridan Aquifer Pumping on the Upper Floridan Aquifer at Hunter Army Airfield, Chatham County, Georgia ------------------------------------------------- Posted online April 22, 2010 ------------------------------------------------- Revised and reposted August 26, 2010 Addition on page vi The following sentence was added at the end of the Acknowledgments: Lucy E. Edwards and Colleen Durand (USGS, Reston, VA) provided information on the paleontology and stratigraphic interval of core collected at the site. ------------------------------------------------- Revised and reposted April 26, 2010 Correction on page 33, figure 21 explanation from: Line of section Simulated drawdown, in feet, in Upper Floridan aquifer resulting from pumping Upper Floridan aquifer well 189 gallons per minute 650 gallons per minute 748 gallons per minute Simulated drawdown, in feet, in Lower Floridan aquifer resulting from pumping Lower Floridan aquifer well 748 gallons per minute to: Line of section Simulated drawdown, in feet, in Upper Floridan aquifer resulting from pumping Upper Floridan aquifer well 189 gallons per minute 650 gallons per minute Simulated drawdown, in feet, in Upper Floridan aquifer resulting from pumping Lower Floridan aquifer well at 748 gallons per minute Simulated drawdown, in feet, in Lower Floridan aquifer resulting from pumping Lower Floridan aquifer well at 748 gallons per minute