Version History for SIR 2010-5235 J. Bruce Moring Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Aquatic Invertebrates and Fish and Observations about Nitrogen and Carbon Isotope Composition in Relation to Trophic Structure and Bioaccumulation Patterns, Lake Worth and Meandering Road Creek, Fort Worth, Texas, 2007–08 ----------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0: Posted On-line January 20, 2011 ----------------------------------------------------- Version 1.1: Posted On-line March 15, 2011 Page 10, Replaced table 2 with revised table. Page 14, Replaced table 3 with revised table. Page 15, first column, first paragraph, first sentence, Replaced "Among biota samples, the range" with "The range". Page 15, second column, last paragraph, first sentence, Replaced "Because trophic levels are an indication of biomagnification" with "Because trophic levels are an indication of expected biomagnification". Page 16, first column, first sentence, Replaced "Zooplankton (trophic level 2 or 3, depending on species composition" with "Zooplankton (trophic level 2 or 3, depending on taxa composition". Page 16, first column, fourth sentence, Replaced "Zooplankton feed on" with "Zooplankton collected in this study feed on".