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Scientific Investigations Report 2011–5041

Channel Change and Bed-Material Transport in the Umpqua River Basin, Oregon


The framework for this study was established with the guidance of Judy Linton of the Portland District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Information on past gravel mining, access to measurement sites and detailed topographic surveys of mining sites were provided by Umpqua Sand and Gravel, Knife River Corporation, and IE Engineering. Joy Smith and Kelly Guido of Umpqua Sand and Gravel, and Mike Flewelling of Knife River Corporation were especially responsive to our data requests. Chris Lidstone, Lidstone and Associates, supplied reports and surveys from the historically dredged area of the Umpqua River estuary, and provided thoughtful feedback during both phases of this study. Peter Klingeman, Professor Emeritus, Oregon State University, provided instructive comments and observations concerning sediment transport in the Umpqua River basin and reviewed this manuscript. Janine Castro, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service lent her expertise to both phases of this study by providing helpful comments regarding our study approach and numerous datasets and documents regarding Umpqua River sediment issues. Chuck Wheeler, NOAA Fisheries provided historical data, helpful comments and a field tour of the Umpqua River Basin. Adam Stonewall, USGS Oregon Water Science Center, assisted with the specific gaging station analysis. Jeff Coe, USGS Landslide Hazards Program, provided LIDAR datasets of the Oregon Coast Range. Chauncey Anderson, USGS Oregon Water Science Center, shared resources, reports, and photographs of the Umpqua River basin. Mikeal Jones of the U.S. Forest Service provided helpful comments following the preliminary Phase I study of this report. Field assistance was provided by Dan Polette, Norman Buccola, Esther Duggan, Rachel Peavler, and Tara Chestnut, all of the USGS Oregon Water Science Center. Steve Sobieszczyk, USGS Oregon Water Science Center, assisted with the Phase I version of this study and with field measurements. Tana Haluska, USGS Oregon Water Science Center, contributed to GIS analyses and metadata preparation. Bedload transport modeling was facilitated by assistance with the Bedload Assessment for Gravel-bed Streams (BAGS) software by John Pitlick, Yantao Cui, and Peter Wilcock.

First posted September 29, 2011

For additional information contact:
Utah Water Science Center Director,
U.S. Geological Survey, 2329 West Orton Circle
West Valley City, UT

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