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Scientific Investigations Report 2011–5041

Channel Change and Bed-Material Transport in the Umpqua River Basin, Oregon

Table 12. Reach-segregated bed-material flux values for the Umpqua and South Umpqua Rivers, as calculated from surveys at mined sites, transport capacity equations, sediment yield analysis, and suspended-sediment measurements.

[Bedload flux: Estimates of bedload flux from suspended-sediment data from Curtiss (1975). Abbreviaton: FPKM, flood-plain kilometer; –, no data]

Reach name FPKM Range of surveyed fill volumes and net deposition rates Calculated median transport capacity value 1951–2008 (metric tons) Bed-material flux from sediment yield analysis (metric tons) Bedload flux from suspended sediment measurements (metric tons)
Parker-Klingeman-McLean Parker-Klingeman Parker Wilcock-Crowe
Coast Range reach 40–152 56,440 53,740 20,280 24,165 30,500–49,800 195,200
Garden Valley reach 152–169 35,115 34,265 39,625 81,855 43,600–49,700 268,060
Roseburg reach 169–231 170–15,920 14,950 9,640 16,270 27,200 41,600–48,000 346,260
Days Creek reach 231–275 80–20,810 4,450 4,400 7,585 12,260 19,200–25,800 43,800

1 From Elkton gaging station.

2 Sum of Brockway and North Umpqua gaging stations.

3 From Brockway gaging station.

4 From Tiller gaging station.

First posted September 29, 2011

For additional information contact:
Utah Water Science Center Director,
U.S. Geological Survey, 2329 West Orton Circle
West Valley City, UT

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