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Scientific Investigations Report 2011-5082

Occurrence and Distribution of Pesticides in Surface Waters of the Hood River Basin, Oregon, 1999–2009

Table 1. Number of samples and period of record for sampling sites in the Hood River basin, Oregon, 1999–2009.

[Abbreviations: HRPSP, Hood River Pesticide Stewardship Partnership; ODEQ, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality; ODFW, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife; Ppl, Pacific Power and Light; PSU, Portland State University; RM, river mile; RR, railroad; VH, Van Horn; –, no samples or not applicable]

ODEQ station ID Site name
Site name
Number of water samples from source Data
Total samples Stream
receiving fruit
HRPSP PSU study Fruit packers study Trace elements
13141 Neal Creek at mouth 
(upstream of bridge) Neal, mouth 114 48 40 1999-2009 202
11972 Lenz Creek at mouth Lenz 79 35 29 1999, 2001-06,
25123 Upper Neal Creek above agriculture diversion Neal, upper,
above diversion
76 37 26 2001-07 139
25124 Evans Creek at bridge 
(Baseline Road) Evans 64 19 24 2001-06 107
30174 Upper Neal Creek, 
downstream Neal, upper,
below diversion
97 2003-09 97
13158 Hood River downstream of 
Ppl Powerdale Powerhouse Hood, mouth 63 7 13 1999-01 83
31499 Middle Neal Creek at Hwy 35 Neal, middle 73 2004-09 73
25133 Dog River below Puppy Creek confluence Dog 23 18 22 2001-04 63
13138 East Fork Hood River at County Gravel Pit (River Mile 0.75) Hood, East Fork 32 21 1999, 2000, 2002 53
13181 Baldwin Creek at end of 
Baldwin Creek Road Baldwin 52 2003-06 52
13140 West Fork Hood River at Lost Lake Road (River Mile 4.7) Hood, West Fork,
RM 4.7
20 14 1999-01 34
13139 Middle Fork Hood River at River Mile 1.0 (ODFW Smolt Trap) Hood, Middle Fork 17 14 1999-00 31
12012 Hood River at footbridge downstream of I-84 Hood, mouth 20 7 2002, 2005-09 27
34788 Rogers Spring Creek at 
Red Hill Driver (RM 0.25) Rogers 27 2008-09 27
10681 West Fork Hood River at mouth Hood, West Fork,
21 2008-09 21
31505 Lenz Creek Packing Plant 7 2004 7 Lenz
34787 West Fork Hood River at 
Moving Falls (RM 2.5) Hood, West Fork,
RM 2.5
6 2008-09 6
21634 Indian Creek near mouth Indian 5 1999-00 5
11968 McGuire Creek upstream of Diamond-Odell Plant 
(discharge #2) 2 1 1999, 2005 3 Odell
11971 Neal Creek upstream of 
Lenz Creek confluence 2 1 1999, 2005 3 Neal
11973 Stadelman-Whitney discharge 
at end of ditch 2 1 1999, 2004-05 3 Lenz
13173 McGuire Creek at 
John Weber Park 2 1 1999, 2005 3 Odell
22966 Lage Orchard Packing Plant outfall 2 1 1999, 2004-05 3 unnamed
11967 Diamond Fruit-Odell Plant effluent (discharge #2) 1 1 1999, 2004 2 Odell
11969 McGuire Creek downstream of Diamond-Odell discharge #2 
& downstream of RR tracks 1 1 1999, 2005 2 Odell
11974 Duckwall final effluent 1 1 1999, 2005 2 Lenz
13171 Lenz Creek at Stadleman Drive Pump Station 1 1 1999, 2005 2 Lenz
13172 McGuire Creek at Davis Drive 1 1 1999, 2005 2 Odell
22965 Lage Orchard Plant receiving ditch upstream of packing plant 1 1 1999, 2005 2 unnamed
22970 Odell Creek at Ehrck Hill Road 1 1 1999, 2005 2 Odell
22971 Diamond-Central Plant, 
discharge at end of pipe 1 1 1999, 2005 2 Lenz
22972 Lenz Creek upstream of Duckwall-Pooley Odell Plant receiving 1 1 1999, 2005 2 Lenz
22973 Lenz Creek downstream of Duckwall-Pooley Plant receiving 1 1 1999, 2005 2 Lenz
22974 Lenz Creek downstream of Stadleman-Whitney Plant outfall 1 1 1999, 2005 2 Lenz
22978 Lenz Creek at Ehrck Hill Road 1 1 1999, 2005 2 Lenz
23940 Neal Creek downstream of 
Lenz Creek at RR bridge 2 3998 2 Neal
28831 Duckwall-Pooley Discharge downstream of RR tracks 2 2004-05 2 Lenz
32668 McGuire Creek downstream of Diamond-Odell discharge #2 ditch 2 2005 2 Odell
45918 Duckwall Pooley VH Plant receiving ditch at Hwy 3 2 3998 2 Neal
11410 Neal Creek at County Road 1 1999 1 Neal
11975 Ditch upstream of Diamond-Central (Lenz Creek tributary) 1 1999 1 Lenz
11976 Ditch downstream of Diamond-Central (Lenz Creek tributary) 1 1999 1 Lenz
13167 Wisehart Creek at 
Woodworth Drive 1 1999 1 Wisehart
13174 Odell Creek at John Weber Park upstream of McGuire Creek 1 1999 1 Odell
22956 Lage Orchard Packing Plant receiving stream downstream at Bend N 1 1999 1 Neal
22957 Lage Orchard Plant receiving stream at Hwy 35 1 1999 1 Neal
22958 Lage Orchard Plant receiving stream tributary upstream of main receiving stream 1 1999 1 Neal
22960 Diamond-Parkdale Plant, 
outfall at plant 1 1999 1 Wisehart
22961 Diamond-Parkdale Plant receiving ditch 50 feet downstream 1 1999 1 Wisehart
22962 Diamond-Parkdale receiving ditch upstream of Wisehart Creek 1 1999 1 Wisehart
22963 Wisehart Creek upstream of Diamond-Parkdale receiving ditch 1 1999 1 Wisehart
22964 Wisehart Creek 50 feet downstream of Diamond-Parkdale Plant receiving ditch 1 1999 1 Wisehart
22967 Lage Orchard Packing Plant receiving stream 50 feet downstream of plant 1 1999 1 Neal
22968 Diamond-Odell Plant discharge 
#1 at end of Pipe M 1 1999 1 Odell
22969 Odell Creek upstream of Ehrck Hill Road behind church off Aga Road 1 1999 1 Odell
22975 Stadleman-Lenz Plant discharge 
at end of pipe 1 1999 1 Lenz
22976 Lenz Creek downstream of Stadleman-Lentz Plant outfall 1 1999 1 Lenz
22977 Lenz Creek downstream of Hanel Lumber Company 1 1999 1 Lenz
23002 Duckwall-Pooley Plant outfall at Van Horn 1 1999 1 Neal
23003 Duckwall-Pooley VH Plant receiving stream 300 yards downstream 1 1999 1 Neal
28828 Diamond-Central Discharge Pit 1 2004 1 Lenz
28829 Tributary to Lenz Creek from south downstream of Lingren Road 1 2005 1 Lenz
28830 Lenz Creek upstream of tributary from south (downstream of Lingren Rd) 1 2005 1 Lenz
28832 Duckwall-Pooley upstream of discharge at RR tracks 1 2005 1 Lenz
28834 Unnamed Pine Grove tributary downstream of Hwy 35, upstream of other road ditch 1 2005 1 Neal
28851 Lenz Creek upstream of Stadleman-Whitney discharge ditch 1 2005 1 Lenz
28852 Stadelman-Whitney discharge 
at plant 1 2005 1 Lenz
28853 Lenz Creek upstream of Stadelman-Whitney discharge 1 2005 1 Lenz
28856 Pine Grove tributary upstream of Neal Creek 1 2005 1 Neal
28857 Neal Creek upstream of 
Pine Grove tributary 1 2005 1 Odell
32572 Hood River upstream of 
Neil Creek 1 2005 1 Hood
32573 Hood River downstream of 
Neil Creek, right bank 1 2005 1 Hood
32663 Moore Orchard effluent 1 2005 1 Neal
32664 Wells Orchard effluent 1 2005 1 unnamed
32676 McGuire Creek at Odell Hwy 1 2005 1 Odell
32775 Diamond-Central effluent discharge in manhole at plant 1 2005 1 Lenz
32776 Diamond-Odell Plant effluent discharge #2 at end of pipe 1 2005 1 Odell
34370 Hood River Juice Company, holding pond 1 2009 1 Indian
36059 Hood River Juice Co Surface Water in ditch under drainpipe area (down slope from road) 1 2009 1 Indian
36060 Hood River Juice Co Farmer’s Irrigation Ditch Downslope of road and ditch 1 2009 1 Indian

First posted June 17, 2011

For additional information contact:
Director, Oregon Water Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey
2130 SW 5th Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97201

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