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Scientific Investigations Report 2011-5082

Occurrence and Distribution of Pesticides in Surface Waters of the Hood River Basin, Oregon, 1999–2009

Table 7. Counts of samples and detections for pesticides in the Hood River basin, Oregon, analyzed only in 2009, sites where pesticides were detected, and concentration, date, and site of the maximum detected concentration.

[Sample size includes all (unscreened) samples. Abbreviations: μg/L, microgram per liter]

Pesticide type Class Pesticide Number
Reporting limit
range (µg/l)
Sites where detected Maximum concentration
Date Site
Fungicide Triazole Propicon-azole 97 6 0.018 - 0.023 Neal, middle; Neal, mouth;
Neal, upper, below diversion
0.081 10-15-09 Neal, upper, below diversion
Strobilurin Pyraclos-trobin 104 7 0.0038 - 0.0045 Hood, mouth; Hood, West Fork, mouth;
Lenz; Neal, middle; Neal, mouth
0.071 04-21-09 Lenz
Herbicide Substituted
Diuron 104 41 0.0037 - 0.0045 Hood, mouth; Hood, West Fork, mouth;
Lenz; Neal, middle; Neal, mouth;
Neal, upper, below diversion; Rogers
1.68 05-07-09 Lenz
Fluometuron 104 1 0.0037 - 0.0045 Neal, upper, below diversion 0.004 04-01-09 Neal, upper, below diversion
Triazine Hexazinone 111 34 0.0036 - 0.0045 Lenz; Neal, middle; Neal, mouth;
Neal, upper, below diversion
0.095 04-29-09 Neal, upper, below diversion
Norflurazon 111 1 0.018 - 0.023 Lenz 0.046 03-17-09 Lenz
Insecticide Carbamate Carbaryl 104 9 0.0045 - 0.0057 Lenz; Neal, middle; Neal, mouth 0.037 05-07-09 Lenz
Methomyl 104 4 0.0018 - 0.0023 Lenz; Neal, middle; Neal, upper, below diversion;
0.005 04-29-09 Neal, upper, below diversion
Propoxur 104 4 0.0018 - 0.0023 Lenz; Neal, middle; Neal, upper, below diversion;
0.005 04-29-09 Neal, upper, below diversion
Chloronicotinyl Imidacloprid 94 1 0.018 - 0.023 Lenz 0.076 10-14-09 Lenz
N,N-dialkylamide DEET 104 2 0.0045 - 0.0057 Hood, West Fork, mouth; Lenz 0.013 04-29-09 Lenz
Organochlorine Endrin 111 1 0.054 - 0.068 Rogers 0.080 04-29-09 Rogers

First posted June 17, 2011

For additional information contact:
Director, Oregon Water Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey
2130 SW 5th Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97201

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