USGS - science for a changing world

SIR 2011-5159: Interactive Water-Budget Figures

Figures 9, 10, and 11 from this report present water budgets for Detritial, Hualapai, and Sacramento Valleys in Northwestern Arizona. These figures show average values for each water-budget component. Uncertainty is discussed but not shown on these report figures.

As an aid to readers, these figures have been implemented as interactive, web-based figures here. Water-budget parameters can be varied within reasonable bounds of uncertainty and the effects those changes have on the water budget will be shown as they are varied. This can aid in understanding sensitivity—which parameters most or least affect the water budgets—and also could provide a generally improved sense of the hydrologic cycle represented in these water budgets.

To begin, choose one of the following interactive figures. Web-browser security settings may have to be changed to allow JavaScript to run:

Detritial Valley
Hualapai Valley
Sacramento Valley


Each water-budget page shows changeable water-budget parameters along the left side, partitioned into 4 or 5 groups. To select a group (for example, "unsaturated zone") click its name. Parameters are changed by grabbing the slider control and moving it left or right with the mouse. The area on either side of a slider control also can be clicked to move the slider to that position. Many parameters can be changed only in fixed increments (for example, upland spring discharge can only change in incremenets of 100 acre-ft/yr); this may cause some slider bars to move less smoothly than others.

As parameters are changed, effects on the water budget will be indicated on the diagram on the right side of the screen. Blue text indicates an increase in a water-budget component; red text a decrease. Beneath each red or blue value, a parenthesized value indicates the magnitude of change.

To reset all water-budget parameters to published values, click the Reset Parameters button. To return to this screen, click Back to Instructions or the web-browser back button.

Explanation of Water-Budget Parameters

Mountain block

Inflow from upgradient basin (Hualapai Valley only)

Unsaturated zone

Alluvial aquifer

Human water use and treatment

Other Key Assumptions

Technical Information

These interactive figures were tested in the following web browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari. The versions used were those commonly available in 2011. The figures rely on a standards-complaint XHTML 1.0 engine, and an ECMA-262 5th-edition-compliant JavaScript engine. Because the World Wide Web changes rapidly, these figures may require revision to function correctly on future computing platforms.

For those interested in changing in water-budget parameters outside of the definted limits, all files can be downloaded and run without an internet connection:

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Page Last Modified: Thursday, 10-Jan-2013 20:08:20 EST