sir2011-5210_readme.txt DESCRIPTION OF THE DIGITAL DATABASE FOR Biomarker Chemistry and Flux Quantification Methods for Natural Petroleum Seeps and Produced Oils, Offshore Southern California By Thomas D. Lorenson, Ira Leifer, Florence L. Wong, Robert J. Rosenbauer, Pamela L. Campbell, Angela Lam, Frances D. Hostettler, Jens Greinert, David P. Finlayson, Eliza S. Bradley, and Bruce P. Luyendyk 2011 USGS SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATIONS REPORT 2011-5210 INTRODUCTION This digital database for the Biomarker Chemistry and Flux Quantification Methods for Natural Petroleum Seeps and Produced Oils, Offshore Southern California, includes one ESRI shapefile of point data and attributes along with supporting files and metadata. The files have been combined in a single zip file. All GIS data are in unprojected geographic coordinates with horizontal datum WGS84. The database provides the physical location and basic identifying attributes for samples collected for this study of natural petroleum seeps and produced oils along the California coast and nearshore areas. Locations were determined by GPS with a precision of +/- 5 m. DIGITAL DATABASE AND METADATA PACKAGE (sir2011- The database package includes the following files: sir2011-5210_readme.txt - this readme file caseeps11sir.shp - This plus the next four files constitute the location and attribute data in ESRI shapefile format, which may be used in ESRI ArcGIS products and other software that shares the ESRI open specifications. caseeps11sir.dbf caseeps11sir.sbn caseeps11sir.sbx caseeps11sir.shx caseeps11sir.lyr - ArcGIS layer file, provides symbology used in illustrations from this report caseeps11sir.prj - projection parameters caseeps11sir.shp.xml - FGDC-compliant metadata in XML format, which can be read from within ArcCatalog or any web browser caseeps11sir.txt - FGDC-compliant metadata in text format caseepsllsir.gif - browse image of data set The material described above is available on the World-Wide Web at ZIP FILES The files described above are packaged within a ZIP file. Utilities to uncompress ZIP files are available for most operating systems and may be found readily with a simple web search. DIGITAL DATABASE FORMAT The database in this report was compiled in ArcGIS, a commercial Geographic Information System (ESRI, Redlands, California). OBTAINING THE DIGITAL DATABASE Go to to access the database package and the remainder of this publication.