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Scientific Investigations Report 2011-5215

Prepared in cooperation with the Arkansas Natural Resources Commission

Simulation of the Effects of Groundwater Withdrawals on Water-Level Altitudes in the Sparta Aquifer in the Bayou Meto-Grand Prairie Area of Eastern Arkansas, 2007–37

By Brian R. Clark, Drew A. Westerman, and D. Todd Fugitt

Thumbnail of and link to report PDF (1.6 MB)Abstract

A groundwater-flow model of the Mississippi embayment was used to evaluate changes in water-level altitudes before (scenario 1) and after (scenario 2) the addition of wells that simulate potential future pumping from the Sparta aquifer in the Bayou Meto-Grand Prairie area of eastern Arkansas for the 30-year period from 2007 through 2037. Water-level altitudes at six model cell locations from the two different scenarios were compared for the period 2007 through 2037. Potential future pumping wells were added to the Mississippi Embayment Regional Aquifer Study model at a rate of 13 wells per year within areas of potential future pumping. Change maps for the Bayou Meto-Grand Prairie area were constructed for each scenario and water-level hydrographs were constructed for each scenario for each of the six model cell locations. The additional pumping from wells in the Sparta aquifer created greater water-level declines in the Bayou Meto-Grand Prairie area. In scenario 1, simulated water-level altitude declines range from 20 to 40 feet from 2007 through 2037. In scenario 2, the cone of depression in Lonoke County is the deepest, with a maximum water-level decline of approximately 102 feet. Water-level altitude declines range from 40 to 50 feet over most of the remainder of the Bayou Meto-Grand Prairie area in scenario 2. Simulated water-level altitudes across the Bayou Meto-Grand Prairie area and at all six model cell locations indicate substantial declines when additional wells pumping from the Sparta aquifer are introduced into the model from 2007 through 2037.

First posted November 30, 2011

For additional information contact:
Chief, USGS Arkansas Water Science Center
401 Hardin Road
Little Rock, AR 72211
(501) 228–3600

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Suggested citation:

Clark, B.R., Westerman, D.A., and Fugitt, D.T., 2011, Simulation of the effects of groundwater withdrawals on water-level altitudes in the Sparta aquifer in the Bayou Meto-Grand Prairie area of eastern Arkansas, 2007–37: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2011–5215, 9 p.





Effects of Groundwater Withdrawals on Water-Level Altitudes

Model Limitations


References Cited

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