Scientific Investigations Report 2012–5029
AbstractHistoric scour was investigated at 231 bridges in the Piedmont and Coastal Plain physiographic provinces of South Carolina by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the South Carolina Department of Transportation. These investigations led to the development of field-derived envelope curves that provided supplementary tools to assess the potential for scour at bridges in South Carolina for selected scour components that included clear-water abutment, contraction, and pier scour, and live-bed pier and contraction scour. The envelope curves consist of a single curve with one explanatory variable encompassing all of the measured field data for the respective scour components. In the current investigation, the clear-water abutment-scour and live-bed contraction-scour envelope curves were modified to include a family of curves that utilized two explanatory variables, providing a means to further refine the assessment of scour potential for those specific scour components. The modified envelope curves and guidance for their application are presented in this report. |
First posted March 19, 2012 For additional information contact: Part or all of this report is presented in Portable Document Format (PDF); the latest version of Adobe Reader or similar software is required to view it. Download the latest version of Adobe Reader, free of charge. |
Benedict, S.T., and Caldwell, A.W., 2012, Modification of selected South Carolina bridge-scour envelope curves: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2012–5029, 37 p.
Previous Investigations
Description of Study Area
The Modified South Carolina Clear-Water Abutment-Scour Envelope Curves
Selected Field Data Used in the Analysis
Conceptual Model for the Modified Clear-Water Abutment-Scour Envelope Curves
Development of the Modified Clear-Water Abutment-Scour Envelope Curves
Guidance and Limitations for Applying the Modified Abutment-Scour Envelope Curves
The Modified South Carolina Live-Bed Contraction-Scour Envelope Curve
Selected Field Data Used in the Analysis
Conceptual Model for the Modified Live-Bed Contraction-Scour Envelope Curve
Development of the Modified Live-Bed Contraction-Scour Envelope Curve
Guidance and Limitations for Applying the Modified Contraction-Scour Envelope Curves
Selected References