Scientific Investigations Report 2012–5214
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Bauch, N.J., Moore, J.L., Schaffrath, K.R., and Dupree, J.A., 2012, Water-quality assessment and macroinvertebrate data for the Upper Yampa River watershed, Colorado, 1975 through 2009: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2012–5214, 129 p.
Methods of Data Compilation, Review, and Analysis
Water-Quality Assessment
Macroinvertebrate Data
Synthesis of Water-Quality Data in the Upper Yampa River Watershed
References Cited
Appendix 1. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency STORET edit-checking procedure of low and high values for selected water-quality properties and constituents from the Upper Yampa River watershed water-quality database
Appendix 2. Selected Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment in-stream water-quality standards for stream segments in the Upper Yampa River watershed, Colorado
Appendix 3. Description of selected stream sampling sites in the Upper Yampa River watershed, Colorado, with type of water-quality data collected, period of water-quality record, and number of samples collected, 1975 through 2009
Appendix 4. Description of selected lake and reservoir sampling sites in the Upper Yampa River watershed, Colorado, with type of water-quality data collected, period of water-quality record, and number of sample days, 1985 through 2009
Appendix 5. Description of selected groundwater sampling sites in the Upper Yampa River watershed, Colorado, with geologic unit description, type of water-quality data collected, period of water-quality record, number of samples collected, and constituents with exceedances of Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment water-quality standards for groundwater, 1975 through 1989 and 1998
Appendix 6. Description of stream sites in the Upper Yampa River watershed, Colorado, that have macroinvertebrate data, and period of water-quality record and number of sample days, 1975 through 2008