Scientific Investigations Report 2012–5217
AbstractHydrologic and water-quality data were collected at Bower Creek during the periods before best-management practices (BMPs), and after BMPs were installed for evaluation of water-quality improvements. The monitoring was done between 1990 and 2009 with the pre-BMP period ending in July 1994 and the post-BMP period beginning in October 2006. BMPs installed in this basin included streambank protection and fencing, stream crossings, grade stabilization, buffer strips, various barnyard-runoff controls, nutrient management, and a low degree of upland BMPs. Water-quality evaluations included base-flow concentrations and storm loads for total suspended solids, total phosphorus, and ammonia nitrogen. The only reductions detected between the base-flow samples of the pre- and post-BMP periods were in median concentrations of total phosphorus from base-flow samples, but not for total suspended solids or dissolved ammonia nitrogen. Differences in storm loads for the three water-quality constituents monitored were not observed during the study period. |
First posted January 4, 2013 For additional information contact: Part or all of this report is presented in Portable Document Format (PDF); the latest version of Adobe Reader or similar software is required to view it. Download the latest version of Adobe Reader, free of charge. |
Corsi, S.R., Horwatich, J.A., Rutter, T.D., and Bannerman, R.T., 2013, Effects of best-management practices in Bower Creek in the East River priority watershed, Wisconsin, 1991–2009: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2012–5217, 21 p., at
Hydrologic Conditions During the Study Period
Water Quality Before and After Installation of Best-Management Practices
Effects of Best-Management Practices on Bower Creek
Comparison of Results to Watershed Improvement Objectives
Summary and Conclusions
References Cited