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Scientific Investigations Report 2013–5001

Sources and Characteristics of Organic Matter in the Clackamas River, Oregon, Related to the Formation of Disinfection By-Products in Treated Drinking Water

Table 7. Benthic algal conditions in the Clackamas River and select tributaries, Oregon.

[Sampling site locations are shown in figure 1. Algal biomass given as concentration of chlorophyll-ain milligrams per square meter. Abbreviation: sp., species]

Sampling sites Benthic algae description Benthic algal biomass
July–August 2010
Clackamas River at Carter Bridge Green algae (Prasiola sp., Ulothrix sp., Zygnema sp.), stalked diatoms (Cymbella mexicana), benthic diatoms (Epithemia sp.), and blue-green algae (Nostoc sp.) 52
Clackamas River at Estacada Stalked diatoms (Cymbella mexicana), benthic diatoms (Melosira sp. and 
Epithemia sp.) 421
Clackamas River at Barton Bridge Filamentous green algae (Cladophora sp.), stalked diatoms (Cymbellamexicana), benthic diatoms (Melosira, Gomphonema, Synedra, and Nitzschia sp., Epithemia sp.), and lesser amounts of filamentous blue-green algae (Oscillatoria sp.) 251
Clackamas River at Carver Stalked diatoms (Cymbellamexicana), benthic diatoms (Melosira sp., Gomphonema sp.), with lesser amounts of filamentous green algae (Cladophora sp.) 759
Clackamas River upstream of 
Highway 99E Filamentous green algae (Cladophora sp.), stalked diatoms (Cymbella mexicana), benthic diatoms (Melosira, Gomphonema, Synedra, and Nitzschia sp.), and red algae (Lemanea sp.) 342
Eagle Creek Stalked diatoms (Gomphoneis sp.), and blue-green algae (Oscillatoria sp. and Rivulariceaen heterocystous filaments) 47
Deep Creek Benthic diatoms (Melosira sp., Synedra sp., Navicula sp., and Cocconeis sp.) 120
Clear Creek Benthic diatoms (Melosira sp., Gomphonema sp., Synedra sp., Navicula sp., and Cocconeis sp.) 38
Rock Creek Benthic diatoms (Melosira sp., Rhoicosphenia sp., Synedra sp., Navicula sp., Nitzschia sp., and Cocconeis sp.) 181
Sieben Creek Benthic diatoms (Melosira sp., Synedra sp., Achnanthidium sp., Navicula sp., Nitzschia sp., and Cocconeis sp.) and green algae (Closterium sp.) 155
September 2010
Clackamas River at Carter Bridge Filamentous green algae (Ulothrix sp.), blue-green algae (Nostoc sp.), stalked diatoms (Cymbella mexicana), and benthic diatoms (Epithemia sp. and 
Rhopalodia sp.) 58
Clackamas River at Estacada Stalked diatoms (Cymbella mexicana), benthic diatoms (Epithemia sp., 
Synedra sp., Gompohonema sp.) 152
Clackamas River at Barton Bridge Filamentous green algae (Cladophora sp.), stalked diatoms (Cymbella mexicana), benthic diatoms (Melosira, Gomphonema, Synedra, and Rhopalodia sp.) 144
Clackamas River at Carver Filamentous green algae (Cladophora sp.), benthic diatoms (Melosira, 
Gomphonema, Synedra, and Rhopalodia sp.), and filamentous blue-green 
algae (Oscillatoria sp.) 125
Clackamas River upstream of 
Highway 99E Filamentous green algae (Cladophora sp.), benthic diatoms (Melosira, 
Gomphonema, Synedra, and Cocconeis sp.), and red algae (Lemanea sp.) 93
Eagle Creek Blue-green algae (Oscillatoria sp.) and benthic diatoms (Gomphonema sp., 
Cymbella minuta, Epithemia sp.) 84
Deep Creek Benthic diatoms (Melosira sp., Synedra sp., Navicula sp.) and green algae (Closterium sp.) 193
Clear Creek Benthic diatoms (Melosira sp., Synedra sp., Navicula sp., and Cymbella sp.) 159
Rock Creek Benthic diatoms (Melosira sp., Synedra sp., Navicula sp., Nitzschia sp., and Rhoicosphenia sp.) 304
Sieben Creek Benthic diatoms (Melosira sp. and Bacillaria paradoxa) and filamentous blue-green algae (Oscillatoria sp.) 301

First posted February 11, 2013

For additional information contact:
Director, Oregon Water Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey
2130 SW 5th Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97201

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