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Scientific Investigations Report 2013–5087

Prepared in cooperation with the North Dakota Department of Transportation and the North Dakota State Water Commission

Hydrographic Surveys of the Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers at Selected Bridges and through Bismarck, North Dakota, during the 2011 Flood

By Brenda K. Densmore, Kellan R. Strauch, and Benjamin J. Dietsch

Thumbnail of and link to report PDF (92.3 MB)Abstract

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the North Dakota Department of Transportation and the North Dakota State Water Commission, completed hydrographic surveys at six Missouri River bridges and one Yellowstone River bridge during the 2011 flood of the Missouri River system. Bridges surveyed are located near the cities of Cartwright, Buford, Williston, Washburn, and Bismarck, N. Dak. The river in the vicinity of the bridges and the channel through the city of Bismarck, N. Dak., were surveyed. The hydrographic surveys were conducted using a high-resolution multibeam echosounder (MBES), the RESON SeaBatTM 7125, during June 6–9 and June 28–July 9, 2011. The surveyed area at each bridge site extended 820 feet upstream from the bridge to 820 feet downstream from the bridge. The surveyed reach through Bismarck consisted of 18 miles of the main channel wherever depth was sufficient. Results from these emergency surveys aided the North Dakota Department of Transportation in evaluating the structural integrity of the bridges during high-flow conditions. In addition, the sustained high flows made feasible the surveying of a large section of the normally shallow channel with the MBES.

In general, results from sequential bridge surveys showed that as discharge increased between the first and second surveys at a given site, there was a general trend of channel scour. Locally, complex responses of scour in some areas and deposition in other areas of the channel were identified. Similarly, scour around bridge piers also showed complex responses to the increase in flow between the two surveys. Results for the survey area of the river channel through Bismarck show that, in general, scour occurred around river structures or where the river has tight bends and channel narrowing. The data collected during the surveys are provided electronically in two different file formats: comma delimited text and CARIS Spatial ArchiveTM (CSARTM) format.

First posted May 29, 2013

For additional information contact:
Director, Nebraska Water Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey
5231 South 19th Street
Lincoln, Nebraska 68512

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Suggested citation:

Densmore, B.K., Strauch, K.R., and Dietsch, B.J., 2013, Hydrographic surveys of the Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers at selected bridges and through Bismarck, North Dakota, during the 2011 flood: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2013–5087, 59 p.,




Methods of Study

Hydrographic Surveys on the Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers at Selected Bridges

Hydrographic Surveys of the Missouri River through Bismarck, North Dakota

General Results of Hydrographic Surveys during the 2011 Flood on the Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers in North Dakota


References Cited


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Page Last Modified: Wednesday, 29-May-2013 10:50:42 EDT