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Scientific Investigations Report 2013–5194

Simulation and Validation of Larval Sucker Dispersal and Retention through the Restored Williamson River Delta and Upper Klamath Lake System, Oregon

Table 3. Median standard lengths of larval catches and simulated median standard lengths at fixed sites in Upper Klamath Lake and the Williamson River Delta, Oregon, 2009. 

[Only sucker larvae less than or equal to 19 mm in standard length are included in the calculation. Abbreviations: N, number of fish caught; p50, 50th percentile; OSU, Oregon State University; TNC, The Nature Conservancy; USGS, U.S. Geological Survey; mm, millimeter; –, no data]

Near Williamson River channel   North delta   South delta   Upper Klamath Lake shoreline, north of mouth
TNC A   TNC B   USGS 25535   TNC D USGS 25980 TNC C USGS 25977   USGS 25976
N p50 (mm) N p50 (mm) N p50 (mm) N p50 (mm) N p50 (mm) N p50 (mm) N p50 (mm) N p50 (mm)
Median measured lengths in nets at fixed larval catch sites
114 13.0 26 13.8 25 11.8 30 14.5 2 15.2 13 14.5 1 12.0 4 15.3
Median simulated lengths at fixed larval catch sites, scenario C
592 11.9 269 12.2 480 12.2 116 12.6 178 13.6 256 13.2 114 13.8 80 14.2
Williamson River mouth, offshore   Williamson River mouth, in channel   Upper Klamath Lake shoreline, south of mouth   Upper Klamath Lake   Agency Lake
USGS 25981 OSU U6 OSU U5   OSU U4 OSU U8 USGS 25978   USGS 25979   OSU A1
N p50 (mm) N p50 (mm) N p50 (mm) N p50 (mm) N p50 (mm) N p50 (mm) N p50 (mm) N p50 (mm)
Median measured lengths in nets at fixed larval catch sites
22 12.7 98 12.6 18 14.3 10 14.1 2 16.7 0 1 11.9 16 13.2
Median simulated lengths at fixed larval catch sites, scenario C
127 14.2 210 13.1 403 13.5 452 13.6 4 17.1 84 14.7 17 15.7 10 14.9

First posted January 31, 2014

For additional information contact:
Director, Oregon Water Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey
2130 SW 5th Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97201

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