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Scientific Investigations Report 2014–5003

Three-Dimensional Geologic Mapping of the Cenozoic Basin Fill, Amargosa Desert Basin, Nevada and California

By Emily M. Taylor and Donald S. Sweetkind

Thumbnail of and link to report PDF (14.8 MB)Abstract

Understanding the subsurface geologic framework of the Cenozoic basin fill that underlies the Amargosa Desert in southern Nevada and southeastern California has been improved by using borehole data to construct three-dimensional lithologic and interpreted facies models. Lithologic data from 210 boreholes from a 20-kilometer (km) by 90-km area were reduced to a limited suite of descriptors based on geologic knowledge of the basin and distributed in three-dimensional space using interpolation methods. The resulting lithologic model of the Amargosa Desert basin portrays a complex system of interfingered coarse- to fine-grained alluvium, playa and palustrine deposits, eolian sands, and interbedded volcanic units. Lithologic units could not be represented in the model as a stacked stratigraphic sequence due to the complex interfingering of lithologic units and the absence of available time-stratigraphic markers. Instead, lithologic units were grouped into interpreted genetic classes, such as playa or alluvial fan, to create a three-dimensional model of the interpreted facies data. Three-dimensional facies models computed from these data portray the alluvial infilling of a tectonically formed basin with intermittent internal drainage and localized regional groundwater discharge. The lithologic and interpreted facies models compare favorably to resistivity, aeromagnetic, and geologic map data, lending confidence to the interpretation.

First posted April 18, 2014

For additional information, contact:
Director, Geosciences and Environmental Change Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey
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Denver, CO 80225

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Suggested citation:

Taylor, E.M., and Sweetkind, D.S., 2014, Three-dimensional geologic mapping of the Cenozoic basin fill, Amargosa Desert basin, Nevada and California: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2014–5003, 40 p., 2 appendixes,

ISSN 2328-0328 (online)




Geologic and Tectonic Setting

Sources of Subsurface Data

3D Display of Surface and Subsurface Data

3D Modeling Methods

3D Modeling Results

Summary and Conclusions


References Cited

Appendix 1. Explanation for lithologic data from driller’s lithologic logs from wells in the Amargosa Desert basin

Appendix 1. Lithologic data from driller’s lithologic logs from wells in the Amargosa Desert basin

Appendix 2. Explanation for location and data from resistivity soundings in the Amargosa Desert basin

Appendix 2. Location and data from resistivity soundings in the Amargosa Desert basin

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Page Last Modified: Friday, 18-Apr-2014 19:28:28 EDT