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Scientific Investigations Report 2014–5054

Evaluation of Alternative Groundwater-Management Strategies for the Bureau of Reclamation Klamath Project, Oregon and California

Table 6. Calculated quarterly withdrawals by pumping region and year based on analysis of more restrictive drain-constraint limit for scenario Drain_10, upper Klamath Basin, Oregon and California, 1970–2004. 

[Scenario Drain_10. Drain-Discharge constraint limit is 10 percent. Shading used to emphasize years in which groundwater demand is not met. All withdrawal volumes are in acre-ft. Abbreviations: KLV, Klamath Valley wells; NTL northern Tule Lake wells; STL, southern Tule Lake wells; LKL, Lower Klamath Lake wells; KLR, Klamath River wells; Q3, third quarter; Q4, fourth quarter]

Pumping region and water-year quarter Water year
1970 1973 1976 1977 1979 1980 1981 1986 1987 1988 1989
KLV, Q3 9,804 8,919 0 10,126 10,125 5,938 10,228 9,808 10,122 6,575 3,627
Q4 7,908 8,996 1,474 6,324 6,770 4,119 7,669 6,930 5,883 4,742 0
NTL, Q3 1,171 6,614 248 8,052 7,062 212 4,737 4,273 4,806 6,822 3
Q4 1,692 1,831 1,074 5,334 3,960 1,173 4,000 810 2,054 3,921 0
STL, Q3 2,624 12,158 786 14,967 14,471 2,503 9,014 10,462 11,349 9,277 2,418
Q4 4,574 3,161 2,521 5,686 2,779 0 2,519 3,173 5,835 4,402 0
LKL, Q3 490 1,610 0 1,593 1,680 0 1,608 355 1,645 1,668 0
Q4 1,347 1,218 0 1,249 123 0 1,247 137 1,266 1,313 0
KLR, Q3 0 443 0 799 550 0 820 0 843 827 0
Q4 0 0 0 708 0 0 735 0 738 15 0
     Total 29,610 44,949 6,103 54,838 47,521 13,945 42,577 35,948 44,541 39,562 6,049
     Demand 29,610 44,949 6,103 69,198 47,521 13,945 42,577 35,948 68,945 69,162 6,049
Pumping region and water-year quarter Water year
1990 1991 1992 1994 1997 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
KLV, Q3 8,362 5,187 4,292 4,246 1,025 7,657 2,091 7,272 5,066 4,106 4,090
Q4 4,308 4,427 4,035 3,944 1,174 693 1,335 5,080 4,179 3,696 5,090
NTL, Q3 6,870 4,652 5,226 4,980 257 850 86 6,442 7,030 7,192 8,543
Q4 3,901 3,782 4,000 3,790 242 440 3,299 4,407 7,574 6,116 5,686
STL, Q3 10,555 9,245 8,892 10,838 0 3,733 2,884 13,442 10,761 8,683 8,854
Q4 5,971 4,108 3,652 7,183 0 789 555 4,764 2,670 805 7,703
LKL, Q3 1,615 1,385 1,295 1,247 0 0 0 1,590 1,742 393 379
Q4 1,262 1,410 1,192 1,115 0 0 0 1,228 1,391 1,532 1,472
KLR, Q3 829 892 69 815 0 0 0 797 784 890 865
Q4 279 0 0 719 0 0 0 701 0 815 130
     Total 43,952 35,088 32,653 38,877 2,698 14,162 10,250 45,723 41,197 34,228 42,812
     Demand 92,415 102,466 69,198 83,686 2,698 14,162 10,250 66,463 50,056 34,228 42,812

First posted April 23, 2014

For additional information contact:
Director, Oregon Water Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey
2130 SW 5th Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97201

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