Revision History for SIR 2014-5184 Timothy H. Diehl and Melissa A. Harris Withdrawal and Consumption of Water by Thermoelectric Power Plants in the United States, 2010 ----------------------------------------------------- Posted online September 24, 2014 ----------------------------------------------------- Revised and reposted November 10, 2014, version 1.1 The "Appendix 1" spreadsheet was revised; these revisions had no effect on the body of the report. On the "Report_table" tab, four columns were added to provide calculated annual average values of withdrawal and consumption reported by the Energy Information Agency, under a new interpretation of the reported monthly data. This new interpretation was provided by the Energy Information Agency in reponse to the published report. Columns were rearranged to group the EIA data together and provide a visual comparison of the changes due to the alternative assumption. On the "Readme" tab, material was added explaining the new columns' rationale.