Revision History for U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2016–5048 By Mark D. Kozar and Katherine S. Paybins Assessment of Hydrogeologic Terrains, Well-Construction Characteristics, Groundwater Hydraulics, and Water-Quality and Microbial Data for Determination of Surface-Water-Influenced Groundwater Supplies in West Virginia ----------------------------------------------------- Posted online August 30, 2016 ----------------------------------------------------- Revised and reposted October 22, 2016 The text was modified. On page 11 left columns 9th line from bottom "concentrations exceeding the proposed 300 mg/L MCL" was changed to the correct unit of pCi/L (picocuries per Liter). On page 12 left columns 8 lines from the bottom "Dissolved manganese concentrations exceeded the 50-mg/L SMCL" was changed to the correct unit of micrograms per Liter. On page 43 of the report in the Volatile Organic Compounds section of the report on the 9th and 10th lines from the end of the page, the line reading "Of the 281 wells sampled, 210 (75 %) contained no detectable concentrations of pesticides", the word "pesticides" was replaced with "VOCs". On page 53 the url for reference U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 2015, Nitrates and nitrites: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency TEACH chemical summary, 14 p. [Also available at] was replaced with On page 53 the url for reference U.S. Geological Survey National Atlas, 1999, Selected 1:2,000,000 scale streams of West Virginia, Digital data layer accessed from the National Atlas of the United States 1/31/2014 at Html was replaced with FIGURE CHANGE: On figure 3A: found at The geology credit was added to the lower right corner of the figure. Geology from West Virginia Division of Environmental Protection, 1998, 1:250,000, Universal Transverse Mercator, Zone 17, North American Datum of 1983; based on Cardwell and others, 1968, Geologic Map of West Virginia