Revision History for U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2016-5140 By John F. Walker, Marie C. Peppler, Mari E. Danz, and Laura E. Hubbard Flood-Frequency Characteristics for Wisconsin Streams ----------------------------------------------------- Posted online May 22, 2017 ----------------------------------------------------- Revised and reposted August 30, 2017, Version 2.0 The text version was modified. The second sentence on page 6, in the section "Independent Variables," under "Water," has been changed to read "Determined by (1) summing the areas of the 2011 National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD;, accessed July 2015) grid cells contained within the basin classified as open water, and (2) dividing by the area of the basin and multiplying by 100." In table 2, on p. 9-10, the leading coefficients have been recalculated, and the table has been replaced. In addition, an explanation of the "F" for land use classified as forest was added to the headnote (explanation) of table 2. The regressions for Area 3 have been revised. Therefore, all of the equations on p. 14 and their results have been changed, p. 14 has been replaced, and the downloadable files for appendix tables 2-8 and 2-9 have been replaced. In Appendix 2, figure 2-1, on p. 24, the units of measurement in the map scale and the colors expressing hydraulic conductivity have been corrected. ----------------------------------------------------- Revised and reposted December 30, 2017, version 2.1 The text version was modified. The headnote for Table 2, on pages 9 and 10, was modified as follows: "LUw, land use classified as water, in percent; LUd, land use classified as developed, in percent; F, land use classified as forest, in percent]" was changed to "LUw, land use classified as water, (percent+0.01)/100; LUd, land use classified as developed, (percent+0.01)/100; F, land use classified as forest, (percent+0.01)/100]" On page 14, first columnn, second equation the value 0.342 in parentheses was changed to 0.3421. On page 14, first columnn, "F=34.0 percent" was changed to "F=33.95 percent". On page 14, first columnn, third equation the value 0.3395 in parentheses was changed to 0.3396. On page 14, second columnn, second equation the value 0.324 in parentheses was changed to 0.3241. ----------------------------------------------------- Revised and reposted April 8, 2020, version 2.2 The text version was modified. On page 1, two sentences were deleted from the abstract. Sentence beginning with "For each of the unregulated..." and the following sentence. On page 6, the units for Ksat were changed to micrometers per second and the sentence beginning with "The computed value, in micrometers..." was deleted. On page 9, Table 2 headnote, the units of Ksat were changed to micrometers per second. On page 9, Area 1, equation for Q0.2p, coefficient for A was changed to 1.02. On page 10, Table 2 headnote, the units of Ksat were changed to micrometers per second. On page 13, the second sentence in the first paragraph was reworded to read "...for this case, both Log Pearson type III and regression estimates are presented." On page 13, second paragraph, text was deleted beginning with "When independent flood-frequency estimates are available..." through the sentence ending with "...of the regression equation." On page 14, second column, third paragraph, last sentence was reworded to read "This calculation results in a value of Ksat equal to 16.7 micrometers per second" On page 16, table 3 headnote, the abbreviation "in/hr, inches per hour" was changed to "µm/s, micrometers per second" On page 16, table 3, units of in/hr were changed to µm/s. For Area 4, hydraulic conductivity values changed to 8.96, 25.1 and 71.3. For Area 5, hydraulic conductivity values changed to 6.63, 22.9 and 63.4. For Area 8, hydraulic conductivity values changed to 62.7, 75.5 and 111. On page 17, References, the reference to Cohn and others, 2012 was deleted. On page 24, Figure 2-1, the units in the explanation were changed from inches per hour to micrometers per second. On page 32, Figure 2-9, the scale for the precipitation color ramp has been corrected; the minimum is 3.90, and the maximum is 8.29. Two hyperlinks were updated. Hyperlink was updated to and accession date April 2020 was added. Hyperlink was updated to and accession date April 2020 was added. -----------------------------------------------------