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Scientific Investigations Report 2018-5091

Figure 7

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Bedrock lithology
Noncarbonate sedimentary
Noncarbonate metamorphic
Overlain by coarse, stratified
surficial sediments
Areas with insufficient data to map
Hydrogeologic terrane boundaries—Alphanumeric code indicates the
generalized complexity of the hydrogeologic framework in each terrane
Sediment thickness contrast
Major river
Maximum extent of glacial ice
Extent of Late Wisconsinan ice

Figure 7. Generalized bedrock lithology (modified from the Integrated Geologic Map Databases for the United States) and overlying Glacial Environment and Surficial Sediments geodatabase coarse-grained, stratified surficial sediments in the glaciated conterminous United States; surficial geology from Haj and others (2018).

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Page Last Modified: Thursday, 06-Dec-2018 14:42:04 EST