Revision History for SIR 2018-5091 Richard M. Yager, Leon J. Kauffman, David R. Soller, Adel E. Haj, Paul M. Heisig, Cheryl A. Buchwald, Stephen, M. Westenbroek, and James E. Reddy Characterization and Occurrence of Confined and Unconfined Aquifers in Quaternary Sediments in the Glaciated Conterminous United States ----------------------------------------------------- Posted online December 13, 2018 ----------------------------------------------------- Revised and reposted February 8, 2019, version 1.1 The text version was modified as follows: On p. 13, in the second paragraph of the "Groundwater Usage" section, add "not" in the second sentence so it reads as follows: "In this study, the source aquifer was assigned by comparing the well location to maps of sediment thickness (Soller and others, 2012; Soller and Garrity, 2018) or delineated aquifers from State level mapping, if well construction data from either the source well or nearby wells were not available." On p. 23, in the fifth sentence of the second paragraph in the "Distribution of Groundwater Usage" section, correct the period after "(Minnesota and the Dakotas)." to a comma to read "in the lower Midwest (Michigan, Indiana, and Illinois), the upper Midwest (Minnesota and the Dakotas), and the Northwest."