Revision History for U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2019–5094 By Mark A. Roland and Marla H. Stuckey Development of Regression Equations for the Estimation of Flood Flows at Ungaged Streams in Pennsylvania ----------------------------------------------------- Posted online October 28, 2019 ----------------------------------------------------- Revised and reposted December 8, 2020 as version 1.1 Table 2, the Source and Reference associated with the basin characteristic variable carbonate bedrock was corrected. The original version (posted 2019) identified the Source and Reference as: Source: U.S. Geological Survey Pennsylvania Water Science Center; created from Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and modified geology maps Reference: Berg (1980) The revision (posted 2020) identifies the Source and Reference as: Source: U.S. Geological Survey Pennsylvania StreamStats application version 1 carbonate grid layer (post-2013) Reference: Kolb (2020) Within References Cited, the Berg (1980) citation was deleted and the Kolb (2020) citation was added.