Corrections applied to SIR 2019-5112 Dan Wise Spatially referenced models of streamflow and nitrogen, phosphorus, and suspended-sediment loads in streams of the Pacific region of the United States ----------------------------------------------------- Corrections applied 03.12.20 Conditioned RMSEo, in natural logarithm units 0.411 Conditioned RMSEo, percent in real space unitsq 42.9 Unconditioned RMSEp, in natural logarithm units 0.478 Unconditioned RMSEp, percent in real space unitsq 50.6 Mean exponentiated weighted error 1.127 R2 0.961 Yield R2 0.877 Number of calibration stations 131 Add text after ". . . the same rate.": The manure used as fertilizer, however, only represented the amount retained and applied to the farmland surrounding each AFO because the agricultural fertilizer source term was not significant when it included the amount exported to market.