Revision History for SIR 2019–5136 Fisher, B.N., Heisig, P.M., and Kappel, W.M. Geohydrology and water quality of the unconsolidated aquifers in the Enfield Creek Valley, Town of Enfield, Tompkins County, New York ----------------------------------------------------- Posted online December 13, 2019 ----------------------------------------------------- Revised and reposted May 13, 2020 The text version was modified to include an additional data release for Fisher and others (2020); added to the last paragraph of the Description of Study Area section, p. 6; captions of figures 3 (p. 5), 4 (p. 7), 5 (p. 9), 6 (p. 11), and 8 (p. 18); and to the reference list on p. 36, as follows: Fisher, B.N., Heisig, P.M., and Kappel, W.M., 2020, Geospatial datasets for the hydrogeology and water quality of the unconsolidated aquifers in the Enfield Creek Valley, town of Enfield, Tompkins County, New York: U.S. Geological Survey data release, Updated suggested citation on back of title page (p. ii), as follows: Fisher, B.N., Heisig, P.M., and Kappel, W.M., 2019, Geohydrology and water quality of the unconsolidated aquifers in the Enfield Creek Valley, town of Enfield, Tompkins County, New York (ver. 1.1, May 2020): U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2019–5136, 52 p.,