Revision History for SIR 2020–5007 By Andre B. Ritchie and Jeff D. Pepin Optimization Assessment of a Groundwater-Level Observation Network in the Middle Rio Grande Basin, New Mexico ----------------------------------------------------- Posted online March 17, 2020 ----------------------------------------------------- Revised and reposted December 21, 2020, version 2 Front cover, background image, detail from version 1 of figure 19B was replaced with detail from version 2 of figure 19B; "Version 2, December 2020" was added below series name and number Title page, "Version 2, December 2020" was added below series name and number Back of title page, publisher and date were revised from "U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia: 2020"; suggested citation was revised from Ritchie, A.B., and Pepin, J.D., 2020, Optimization assessment of a groundwater-level observation network in the Middle Rio Grande Basin, New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2020–5007, 113 p., On p. 1, right column, first full paragraph, first sentence, "as about 20" was revised from "as 20" On p. 24, right column, second full paragraph, second sentence, "linear" was revised from "third-order" On p. 24, equation 1, equation was revised from z(s) = β0 + β1x(s) + β2y(s) + β3x(s)2 + β4y(s)2 + β5x(s)3 + β6y(s)3 + β7x(s)y(s) to z(s) = β0 + β1x(s) + β2y(s) On p. 24, equation 1 definitions list, in βi, "(i = 1 through 2)" was revised from "(i = 1 through 7)" On p. 24, right column, the following continuing paragraph after equation 1 was deleted: "The coefficients in equation 1 were estimated using the iteratively reweighted least squares method of the “glm” function within the “stats” (version 3.5.1) R package that is provided in base R. The coefficient of determination (R2) between the median groundwater elevations and the values estimated by the trend model was 0.75 for the 2001 time interval and 0.79 for the 2015 time interval, thereby indicating that the trend models well represent the general structure of the data." On p. 24, right column, third full paragraph was revised from "Residual groundwater elevations for use in semivariogram development and kriging were calculated as the median groundwater elevations minus the appropriate trend model estimates. Residuals ranged from −61 to 103 feet and –47 to 31 feet for the 2001 time interval and 2015 time interval, respectively. Standard deviations of residuals for the 2001 time interval and 2015 time interval were similar, with 2001 at approximately 19 feet and 2015 at approximately 14 feet. Both the 2001 time interval and 2015 time interval had a residual mean of 0.0 feet and displayed minimal spatial bias with Pearson correlation coefficients of 0.0 relative to X and Y coordinates. Linear and second-order polynomial trend models resulted in residuals relative to X and Y coordinates that were not equally scattered around a horizontal line; thus, the third-order polynomial trend was considered most representative of the general structure of the data while not violating the stationarity assumption for kriging." On p. 31, left column, first full paragraph, final sentence, "2,500" was revised from "1,000" On p. 31, left column, second full paragraph was revised from "Kriging relies on a continuous theoretical semivariogram that is fit to the experimental semivariogram. Fitting semivariograms requires the consideration of semivariogram shape, which is strongly influenced by three components called the nugget, sill, and range. The nugget is the semivariance value at a lag of zero, which typically is related to noise in the data and is user specified by visual inspection. The sill is the semivariance value in which the mean semivariance no longer changes with increasing distance. The range is the distance in which the sill is reached and indicates the distance over which data are correlated. The theoretical semivariograms were modeled using the “fit.variogram” function within the R package “0gstat,” version 2.0-0 (Pebesma and Graeler, 2019). Circular, exponential, gaussian, linear, and spherical models were all considered in the fitting procedure. For the 2001 time interval, the theoretical semivariogram was modeled as exponential with no nugget, a sill of 370 square feet, and a range of 14,000 feet (fig. 7A). For the 2015 time interval, the theoretical semivariogram was modeled as exponential with no nugget, a sill of 170 square feet, and a range of 6,400 feet (fig. 7B). The evident differences in the semivariograms from the 2001 time interval and 2015 time interval are likely related to changes in the spatial distribution of groundwater elevations over time and, to a lesser degree, differences in monitoring sites used for each time interval." On p. 31, right column, first partial paragraph, second full sentence, "less than" was revised from "about half of" On p. 31, right column, first full paragraph, first sentence, "4,838" was revised from "4,843"; second sentence, "4,825" was revised from "4,828" On p. 31, right column, second full paragraph, first sentence, "2.5 to 42" was revised from "1.8 to 27" and "1.9 to 33" was revised from "1.8 to 17" On p. 32, figure 7 shows the revised semivariograms that were developed using the revised trend function shown in equation 1 On p. 33-34, figure 8 shows the revised groundwater-elevation kriged surfaces when using the revised trend function shown in equation 1 and the revised semivariograms shown in figure 7 On p. 35-36, figure 9 shows the revised standard errors from kriging groundwater elevation when using the revised trend function shown in equation 1 and the revised semivariograms shown in figure 7 On p. 37, left column, first full paragraph, first two sentences were revised from "Estimation errors from leave-one-out cross validation for the 2001 time interval ranged from −72 to 180 feet (fig. 10A), with a mean of 1.7 feet and a standard deviation of 25 feet. Estimation errors for the 2015 time interval ranged from −105 to 40 feet (fig. 10B), with a mean of −0.92 feet and a standard deviation of 18 feet." On p. 37, left column, second full paragraph, second sentence, "0.83" was revised from "0.8"; fourth sentence, "-0.17" was revised from "-0.13" and "-0.07" was revised from "-0.01" On p. 38-39, figure 10 shows the revised estimation errors from leave-one-out cross validation when using the revised trend function shown in equation 1 and the revised semivariograms shown in figure 7 On p. 40, figure 11 includes the revised estimated groundwater elevations and estimation errors from leave-one-out cross validation when using the revised trend function shown in equation 1 and the revised semivariogram shown in figure 7 for the 2001 time interval On p. 41, figure 12 includes the revised estimated groundwater elevations and estimation errors from leave-one-out cross validation when using the revised trend function shown in equation 1 and the revised semivariogram shown in figure 7 for the 2015 time interval On p. 42, in table 3, row "Number of chromosomes in a population (population size)" was revised from Number of chromosomes in a population (population size) unitless 2,000 2,000 and row "Probability that crossover will occur between two parents (crossover probability)" was revised from Probability that crossover will occur between two parents (crossover probability) unitless 0.80 (80 percent) 0.65 (65 percent) On p. 43, right column, first full paragraph, third sentence, "5" was revised from "2.5" On p. 43, right column, final full paragraph, first sentence, "1,750" was revised from "2,000"; "0.80" was revised from "0.65"; and "80" was revised from "65" On p. 44-46, in table 4, the third column and all columns to the right of it were revised from 1,379 2.1 44 0.014 1,166 1.9 37 0.020 1,390 2.4 89 0.20 1,173 2.2 26 0.21 1,400 2.4 38 1.2 1,180 2.1 26 2.8 1,406 2.1 48 13 1,196 1.5 69 29 1,417 1.2 15 45 1,211 0.9 30 53 1,432 0.80 56 60 1,226 0.7 51 62 1,398 23 40 10 1,178 33 1 1.5 1,399 6.2 47 15 1,178 9.5 22 3.3 1,400 3.9 46 7.2 1,179 5.7 67 3.2 1,409 2.7 48 10 1,184 4.1 2 2.0 1,409 2.2 55 13 1,179 3.2 42 2.6 1,407 1.9 37 12 1,183 2.8 71 2.7 1,411 1.8 23 9.0 1,186 2.8 11 2.2 1,434 1.7 11 8.2 1,195 2.7 0 2.3 1,429 1.6 16 13 1,195 2.5 71 1.9 1,419 1.5 13 13 1,192 2.2 16 2.0 1,409 0.31 14 4.1 1,183 0.29 16 2.5 1,406 0.58 30 9.0 1,179 0.59 3 0.62 1,406 0.89 54 5.4 1,182 0.86 24 1.2 1,408 1.2 63 9.3 1,183 1.2 24 1.2 1,406 1.5 29 5.7 1,182 1.4 13 1.6 1,406 1.7 79 11 1,183 1.7 76 1.5 1,405 2.1 21 10 1,183 1.9 87 2.8 1,405 2.4 8 7.2 1,183 2.4 22 2.4 1,408 2.7 67 12 1,182 2.8 0 2.5 1,411 3.0 30 13 1,184 3.1 11 2.5 1,405 3.6 16 8.3 1,182 3.4 26 2.8 1,408 3.8 9 11 1,183 3.8 33 1.9 1,404 4.2 4 9.4 1,181 4.2 9 1.9 1,409 4.3 65 12 1,183 4.4 32 2.4 1,407 4.7 9 11 1,179 4.7 36 2.1 1,407 5.0 88 10 1,184 4.9 64 1.8 1,405 5.2 20 12 1,181 5.3 22 1.9 1,406 5.5 2 13 1,183 5.8 89 2.2 1,406 6.2 80 13 1,182 6.4 14 2.6 1,404 6.4 22 15 1,182 6.9 1 2.1 1,404 2.8 13 16 1,181 3.2 16 2.3 1,406 3.3 7 11 1,181 3.6 18 2.3 1,407 3.3 2 13 1,184 3.5 5 1.7 1,406 3.1 4 14 1,183 3.4 33 2.2 1,404 2.9 50 17 1,183 3.5 21 1.8 1,408 3.1 16 10 1,182 3.1 29 2.0 1,407 3.0 37 12 1,180 3.5 9 2.2 1,407 3.3 38 7.2 1,183 3.5 57 2.2 1,408 3.2 33 9.1 1,180 3.3 19 2.1 1,406 3.3 16 11 1,182 3.5 3 2.2 1,406 3.0 24 12 1,180 3.0 21 2.7 1,410 3.1 52 12 1,181 3.3 42 2.4 1,410 3.0 24 14 1,180 3.5 41 2.3 1,403 3.2 2 12 1,183 3.5 36 1.8 1,405 3.0 9 16 1,182 3.5 33 2.0 1,406 3.3 63 9.1 1,182 3.3 46 1.6 1,408 3.2 61 11 1,181 3.6 23 2.1 1,410 3.3 32 8.6 1,181 3.1 39 2.6 1,408 3.1 54 13 1,181 3.4 52 1.7 1,405 3.2 71 8.6 1,181 3.5 3 2.5 1,407 3.0 12 14 1,180 3.2 22 2.0 1,405 1.6 3 4.2 1,182 1.5 2 1.6 1,409 1.6 0 4.6 1,182 1.5 23 2.3 1,405 1.6 45 5.0 1,183 1.6 53 1.6 1,406 1.7 8 5.0 1,181 1.6 41 0.91 1,404 1.7 4 8.4 1,182 1.7 0 1.4 1,411 1.8 49 8.6 1,182 1.7 29 1.4 1,405 3.3 15 6.8 1,180 3.0 78 2.1 1,409 3.4 36 6.9 1,184 3.3 1 1.7 1,407 3.5 35 8.5 1,179 3.5 1 1.7 1,407 3.7 33 7.0 1,184 3.5 37 2.9 1,406 3.7 18 9.2 1,181 3.7 35 1.7 1,406 3.7 50 9.3 1,182 3.7 1 2.3 1,404 2.4 31 7.9 1,182 2.7 41 2.3 1,409 3.8 44 8.7 1,181 3.1 55 2.3 1,409 4.3 29 8.7 1,182 4.0 20 2.5 1,405 4.0 20 17 1,183 4.2 57 2.2 1,406 4.2 71 14 1,183 4.3 70 3.4 1,407 4.3 15 15 1,181 4.4 19 3.0 1,405 4.5 3 14 1,183 4.5 72 2.7 1,409 4.3 45 20 1,182 4.5 31 4.4 1,406 2.6 21 0.92 1,183 2.3 2 0.27 1,405 2.4 92 4.6 1,182 2.3 5 0.82 1,408 2.1 12 13 1,183 2.2 56 2.4 1,405 1.9 13 19 1,184 2.1 0 3.1 1,402 2.5 62 26 1,182 3.0 6 5.6 1,405 3.0 57 29 1,182 3.6 27 9.1 1,406 2.9 65 31 1,185 3.7 52 8.2 1,403 2.9 0 34 1,180 3.6 9 11 1,405 2.6 40 39 1,182 3.6 22 12 1,406 2.7 9 39 1,182 3.6 39 12 1,402 2.7 69 38 1,183 2.8 46 13 1,406 2.6 69 43 1,183 2.5 3 13 1,406 1.8 2 41 1,182 3.6 10 14 1,405 1.6 5 43 1,183 3.8 20 13 1,403 2.5 55 44 1,181 3.9 0 13 1,405 2.6 16 47 1,181 3.8 64 15 1,403 2.6 7 47 1,181 3.9 32 16 1,404 2.6 44 48 1,181 3.9 15 17 1,407 2.7 52 47 1,180 4.0 38 16 1,403 2.6 9 49 1,181 4.0 15 15 1,403 2.7 7 48 1,181 4.0 0 17 On p. 48-49, figure 13 shows the revised best fitness value and computation time response curves of genetic algorithm sensitivity analysis when using the revised trend function shown in equation 1 and the revised semivariograms shown in figure 7 On p. 62, right column, final full paragraph, first sentence, "10 and 25" were revised from "20 and 35"; second sentence, "up to about 20" was revised from "up to 20" On p. 63, figure 17 shows the revised response curves of genetic algorithm search performance when using the revised trend function shown in equation 1 and the revised semivariograms shown in figure 7 On p. 64-67, figure 18 shows the revised kriged surface generated using the original network minus the kriged surface generated using the reduced networks and the revised sites identified for removal when using the revised trend function shown in equation 1 and the revised semivariogram shown in figure 7 for the 2001 time interval On p. 68-71, figure 19 shows the revised kriged surface generated using the original network minus the kriged surface generated using the reduced networks and the revised sites identified for removal when using the revised trend function shown in equation 1 and the revised semivariogram shown in figure 7 for the 2015 time interval On p. 72-73, in table 6, the third column and all columns to the right of it were revised from 1,363 1,490 126 1,152 1,195 44 0.021 134 134 0.074 85 85 0.79 72 71 0.47 38 37 1.9 2.1 0.25 1.0 1.0 0.016 1,364 1,531 168 1,152 1,217 65 0.062 111 111 0.13 76 76 0.94 59 58 0.73 34 33 1.8 2.2 0.37 1.0 1.0 0.016 1,364 1,570 206 1,153 1,235 82 0.088 99 99 0.21 68 68 1.2 53 52 1.0 31 30 1.7 2.2 0.43 1.0 1.0 0.016 1,364 1,577 213 1,153 1,250 97 0.30 93 93 0.36 64 63 1.5 47 45 1.3 28 27 1.7 2.2 0.49 1.0 1.0 0.017 1,368 1,763 395 1,157 1,302 145 1.2 73 72 1.7 54 53 2.6 33 31 2.5 22 19 1.6 2.3 0.71 1.0 1.0 0.018 1,372 1,778 406 1,162 1,372 210 1.8 65 63 2.8 55 53 3.6 27 24 3.6 19 16 1.4 2.4 0.94 1.0 1.0 0.020 1,376 1,850 475 1,169 1,440 272 2.9 57 54 4.0 46 42 4.7 26 22 4.2 17 13 1.4 2.5 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.022 1,382 1,937 556 1,180 1,421 241 3.7 54 50 4.8 49 45 5.9 22 16 5.3 15 9 1.4 2.6 1.3 1.0 1.0 0.025 1,393 1,983 590 1,194 1,558 365 5.1 54 49 5.3 49 44 6.5 20 14 6.0 14 7.7 1.3 2.7 1.4 1.0 1.0 0.028 1,402 2,123 721 1,209 1,642 432 5.5 53 47 6.2 44 38 7.7 18 11 6.4 13 6.6 1.2 2.9 1.7 1.0 1.0 0.033 1,415 2,316 901 1,238 2,039 801 7.9 53 45 8.5 50 42 8.2 18 9.4 7.1 12 5.3 1.3 3.0 1.7 1.0 1.0 0.040 On p. 73, in table 7, the second column and all columns to the right of it were revised from 1,371 500 13 0.12 1.2 1,159 500 11 0.070 0.69 1,372 517 16 0.13 1.3 1,161 512 14 0.25 3.6 1,373 760 26 0.12 1.2 1,161 961 29 0.21 3.7 1,375 1,013 36 0.30 3.0 1,162 777 25 0.30 3.7 1,382 1,065 39 0.26 2.5 1,168 1,677 54 0.47 4.9 1,387 1,533 49 0.60 3.6 1,176 719 17 0.84 6.5 1,393 2,146 21 0.53 3.9 1,184 3,132 18 0.90 5.9 1,403 2,561 10 1.3 6.6 1,199 1,404 4.8 1.6 11 1,415 2,019 6.9 1.7 6.7 1,211 1,523 5.0 1.6 9.5 1,424 3,578 13 1.6 6.6 1,230 2,381 8.3 2.5 12 1,442 2,419 16 3.9 29 1,258 1,847 7.2 4.1 18 On p. 74-78, in table 8, the second column and all columns to the right of it were revised from 350508106411901 Atrisco #3 (ATR-3) 11 350836106395401 Montaño Nest 6 10 350628106411501 Duranes #4 (DUR-4) 8 350552106444601 Arroyo Vista 5 350508106411901 Atrisco #3 (ATR-3) 11 350836106395401 Montaño Nest 6 10 350642106401101 Duranes #1 (DUR-1) 6 350508106411901 Atrisco #3 (ATR-3) 8 350628106411501 Duranes #4 (DUR-4) 8 350629106405101 Duranes #3 (DUR-3) 8 350638106413702 West Bluff Nest 1 8 350836106395401 Montaño Nest 6 10 350508106411901 Atrisco #3 (ATR-3) 11 350708106405801 Duranes #2 (DUR-2) 8 350642106401101 Duranes #1 (DUR-1) 6 350629106405101 Duranes #3 (DUR-3) 8 350628106411501 Duranes #4 (DUR-4) 8 350653106403001 Duranes #6 (DUR-6) 9 350638106413702 West Bluff Nest 1 8 350836106395401 Montaño Nest 6 10 350508106411901 Atrisco #3 (ATR-3) 11 350508106411901 Atrisco #3 (ATR-3) 8 350708106405801 Duranes #2 (DUR-2) 7 350708106405801 Duranes #2 (DUR-2) 8 350629106405101 Duranes #3 (DUR-3) 7 350629106405101 Duranes #3 (DUR-3) 8 350628106411501 Duranes #4 (DUR-4) 8 350653106403001 Duranes #6 (DUR-6) 9 350508106411901 Atrisco #3 (ATR-3) 11 350256106390801 San Jose 9 4 350359106362401 Burton #1 (BUR-1) 5 350638106413702 West Bluff Nest 1 6 350642106401101 Duranes #1 (DUR-1) 6 350836106395401 Montaño Nest 6 10 350628106411501 Duranes #4 (DUR-4) 8 350508106411901 Atrisco #3 (ATR-3) 8 350655106395001 Duranes #7 (DUR-7) 5 351007106343801 Coronado #2 (COR-2) 3 350635106415001 Gonzales #2 (GON-2) 7 350708106405801 Duranes #2 (DUR-2) 8 350819106344001 Leyendecker #3 (LEY-3) 6 350629106405101 Duranes #3 (DUR-3) 8 350744106333501 Thomas #5 (THO-5) 7 350653106403001 Duranes #6 (DUR-6) 9 350720106330401 Thomas #6 (THO-6) 6 350720106330401 Thomas #6 (THO-6) 7 351029106332001 Webster #1 (WEB-1) 5 351013106333501 Webster #2 (WEB-2) 6 350638106413702 West Bluff Nest 1 8 350545106335902 Jerry Cline Park 5 350508106411901 Atrisco #3 (ATR-3) 11 350638106413702 West Bluff Nest 1 6 350359106362401 Burton #1 (BUR-1) 5 350836106395401 Montaño Nest 6 10 350708106405801 Duranes #2 (DUR-2) 7 350508106411901 Atrisco #3 (ATR-3) 8 350629106405101 Duranes #3 (DUR-3) 7 350509106414401 Atrisco #4 (ATR-4) 5 350628106411501 Duranes #4 (DUR-4) 8 350646106443201 College #1 (COL-1) 3 350653106403001 Duranes #6 (DUR-6) 6 351025106341601 Coronado #1 (COR-1) 6 350635106415001 Gonzales #2 (GON-2) 7 350708106405801 Duranes #2 (DUR-2) 8 350802106402901 Griegos #3 (GRI-3) 2 350629106405101 Duranes #3 (DUR-3) 8 350752106342101 Leyendecker #1 (LEY-1) 5 350653106403001 Duranes #6 (DUR-6) 9 350301106383601 San Jose #3 (SAJ-3) 6 350635106415001 Gonzales #2 (GON-2) 6 350744106333501 Thomas #5 (THO-5) 7 350744106333501 Thomas #5 (THO-5) 4 350803106351101 Vol Andia #4 (VOA-4) 6 350720106330401 Thomas #6 (THO-6) 7 351013106333501 Webster #2 (WEB-2) 4 350803106351101 Vol Andia #4 (VOA-4) 5 350426106372601 Yale #1 (YAL-1) 2 351029106332001 Webster #1 (WEB-1) 4 350638106413702 West Bluff Nest 1 8 350256106390801 San Jose 9 4 350508106411901 Atrisco #3 (ATR-3) 11 350545106335902 Jerry Cline Park 5 350359106362401 Burton #1 (BUR-1) 5 350638106413702 West Bluff Nest 1 6 350708106405801 Duranes #2 (DUR-2) 7 350836106395401 Montaño Nest 6 10 350629106405101 Duranes #3 (DUR-3) 7 350509106414401 Atrisco #4 (ATR-4) 5 350628106411501 Duranes #4 (DUR-4) 8 350615106345901 Charles #5 (CHA-5) 4 350653106403001 Duranes #6 (DUR-6) 6 350646106443201 College #1 (COL-1) 3 350635106415001 Gonzales #2 (GON-2) 7 351025106341601 Coronado #1 (COR-1) 6 350827106395001 Griegos #1 (GRI-1) 5 350642106401101 Duranes #1 (DUR-1) 5 350752106342101 Leyendecker #1 (LEY-1) 5 350708106405801 Duranes #2 (DUR-2) 8 350819106344001 Leyendecker #3 (LEY-3) 6 350605106411801 Duranes #5 (DUR-5) 4 350445106334001 Ridgecrest #4 (RID-4) 5 350653106403001 Duranes #6 (DUR-6) 9 350301106383601 San Jose #3 (SAJ-3) 6 350635106415001 Gonzales #2 (GON-2) 6 350744106333501 Thomas #5 (THO-5) 7 350752106342101 Leyendecker #1 (LEY-1) 3 350720106330401 Thomas #6 (THO-6) 6 350720106330401 Thomas #6 (THO-6) 7 350719106333401 Thomas #7 (THO-7) 4 350719106333401 Thomas #7 (THO-7) 5 350805106354901 Vol Andia #1 (VOA-1) 5 350803106351101 Vol Andia #4 (VOA-4) 5 350803106351101 Vol Andia #4 (VOA-4) 6 350918106315401 Walker #4 (WAL-4) 3 351013106333501 Webster #2 (WEB-2) 4 351013106333501 Webster #2 (WEB-2) 6 350358106372901 Yale #2 (YAL-2) 5 350918106425401 Zamora #1 (ZAM-1) 5 350638106413702 West Bluff Nest 1 8 350545106335902 Jerry Cline Park 5 350908106344402 Sister Cities 1 350638106413702 West Bluff Nest 1 6 350508106411901 Atrisco #3 (ATR-3) 11 350552106444601 Arroyo Vista 5 350440106355801 Burton #3 (BUR-3) 3 350508106411901 Atrisco #3 (ATR-3) 8 351025106341601 Coronado #1 (COR-1) 2 350509106414401 Atrisco #4 (ATR-4) 5 350708106405801 Duranes #2 (DUR-2) 7 350359106362401 Burton #1 (BUR-1) 2 350629106405101 Duranes #3 (DUR-3) 7 350647106440001 College #2 (COL-2) 3 350605106411801 Duranes #5 (DUR-5) 3 351025106341601 Coronado #1 (COR-1) 6 350653106403001 Duranes #6 (DUR-6) 6 350642106401101 Duranes #1 (DUR-1) 5 350655106395001 Duranes #7 (DUR-7) 5 350708106405801 Duranes #2 (DUR-2) 8 350635106415001 Gonzales #2 (GON-2) 7 350629106405101 Duranes #3 (DUR-3) 8 350827106395001 Griegos #1 (GRI-1) 5 350653106403001 Duranes #6 (DUR-6) 9 350752106342101 Leyendecker #1 (LEY-1) 5 350635106415001 Gonzales #2 (GON-2) 6 350727106340801 Leyendecker #2 (LEY-2) 3 350827106395001 Griegos #1 (GRI-1) 2 350819106344001 Leyendecker #3 (LEY-3) 6 350819106344001 Leyendecker #3 (LEY-3) 3 350422106312401 Lomas #5 (LOM-5) 4 350301106383601 San Jose #3 (SAJ-3) 2 350445106334001 Ridgecrest #4 (RID-4) 5 350720106330401 Thomas #6 (THO-6) 7 350301106383601 San Jose #3 (SAJ-3) 6 350719106333401 Thomas #7 (THO-7) 5 350744106333501 Thomas #5 (THO-5) 7 350805106354901 Vol Andia #1 (VOA-1) 3 350720106330401 Thomas #6 (THO-6) 6 350732106350101 Vol Andia #2 (VOA-2) 3 350805106354901 Vol Andia #1 (VOA-1) 5 350803106351101 Vol Andia #4 (VOA-4) 5 350803106351101 Vol Andia #4 (VOA-4) 6 350918106315401 Walker #4 (WAL-4) 3 351029106332001 Webster #1 (WEB-1) 5 351029106332001 Webster #1 (WEB-1) 4 350358106372901 Yale #2 (YAL-2) 5 351013106333501 Webster #2 (WEB-2) 6 350918106425401 Zamora #1 (ZAM-1) 4 350918106425401 Zamora #1 (ZAM-1) 5 350638106413702 West Bluff Nest 1 8 350256106390801 San Jose 9 4 350508106411901 Atrisco #3 (ATR-3) 11 350545106335902 Jerry Cline Park 5 350421106361001 Burton #2 (BUR-2) 2 350836106395401 Montaño Nest 6 10 350647106440001 College #2 (COL-2) 3 351114106330602 Nor Este 1 351025106341601 Coronado #1 (COR-1) 2 350552106444601 Arroyo Vista 5 350642106401101 Duranes #1 (DUR-1) 6 350508106411901 Atrisco #3 (ATR-3) 8 350708106405801 Duranes #2 (DUR-2) 7 350509106414401 Atrisco #4 (ATR-4) 5 350629106405101 Duranes #3 (DUR-3) 7 350615106345901 Charles #5 (CHA-5) 4 350605106411801 Duranes #5 (DUR-5) 3 350646106443201 College #1 (COL-1) 3 350653106403001 Duranes #6 (DUR-6) 6 351025106341601 Coronado #1 (COR-1) 6 350655106395001 Duranes #7 (DUR-7) 5 351007106343801 Coronado #2 (COR-2) 3 350635106415001 Gonzales #2 (GON-2) 7 350642106401101 Duranes #1 (DUR-1) 5 350827106395001 Griegos #1 (GRI-1) 5 350629106405101 Duranes #3 (DUR-3) 8 350752106342101 Leyendecker #1 (LEY-1) 5 350605106411801 Duranes #5 (DUR-5) 4 350819106344001 Leyendecker #3 (LEY-3) 6 350653106403001 Duranes #6 (DUR-6) 9 350815106340601 Leyendecker #4 (LEY-4) 3 350655106395001 Duranes #7 (DUR-7) 2 350422106312401 Lomas #5 (LOM-5) 4 350642106422801 Gonzales #1 (GON-1) 3 350538106333001 Love #8 (LOV-8) 3 350635106415001 Gonzales #2 (GON-2) 6 350445106334001 Ridgecrest #4 (RID-4) 5 350309106434501 Leavitt #1 (LEA-1) 3 350301106383601 San Jose #3 (SAJ-3) 6 350752106342101 Leyendecker #1 (LEY-1) 3 350744106333501 Thomas #5 (THO-5) 7 350819106344001 Leyendecker #3 (LEY-3) 3 350720106330401 Thomas #6 (THO-6) 6 350422106312401 Lomas #5 (LOM-5) 3 350719106333401 Thomas #7 (THO-7) 4 350744106333501 Thomas #5 (THO-5) 4 350805106354901 Vol Andia #1 (VOA-1) 5 350720106330401 Thomas #6 (THO-6) 7 350803106351101 Vol Andia #4 (VOA-4) 6 350719106333401 Thomas #7 (THO-7) 5 350931106315501 Walker #3 (WAL-3) 1 350803106351101 Vol Andia #4 (VOA-4) 5 351029106332001 Webster #1 (WEB-1) 5 350918106315401 Walker #4 (WAL-4) 3 350426106372601 Yale #1 (YAL-1) 2 351013106333501 Webster #2 (WEB-2) 6 350358106372901 Yale #2 (YAL-2) 5 350918106425401 Zamora #1 (ZAM-1) 5 350918106425401 Zamora #1 (ZAM-1) 4 350852106425701 Zamora #2 (ZAM-2) 3 350638106413702 West Bluff Nest 1 8 350638106413702 West Bluff Nest 1 6 350508106411901 Atrisco #3 (ATR-3) 11 350706106390302 Garfield Park 2 350509106414401 Atrisco #4 (ATR-4) 2 350836106395401 Montaño Nest 6 10 350359106362401 Burton #1 (BUR-1) 5 350908106344402 Sister Cities 2 350440106355801 Burton #3 (BUR-3) 3 350552106444601 Arroyo Vista 5 350647106440001 College #2 (COL-2) 3 350445106411501 Atrisco #2 (ATR-2) 1 351007106343801 Coronado #2 (COR-2) 2 350508106411901 Atrisco #3 (ATR-3) 8 350642106401101 Duranes #1 (DUR-1) 6 350359106362401 Burton #1 (BUR-1) 2 350708106405801 Duranes #2 (DUR-2) 7 350606106341101 Charles #2 (CHA-2) 1 350629106405101 Duranes #3 (DUR-3) 7 350615106345901 Charles #5 (CHA-5) 4 350605106411801 Duranes #5 (DUR-5) 3 350647106440001 College #2 (COL-2) 3 350653106403001 Duranes #6 (DUR-6) 6 351025106341601 Coronado #1 (COR-1) 6 350655106395001 Duranes #7 (DUR-7) 5 351007106343801 Coronado #2 (COR-2) 3 350635106415001 Gonzales #2 (GON-2) 7 350642106401101 Duranes #1 (DUR-1) 5 350827106395001 Griegos #1 (GRI-1) 5 350708106405801 Duranes #2 (DUR-2) 8 350752106342101 Leyendecker #1 (LEY-1) 5 350629106405101 Duranes #3 (DUR-3) 8 350727106340801 Leyendecker #2 (LEY-2) 3 350605106411801 Duranes #5 (DUR-5) 4 350819106344001 Leyendecker #3 (LEY-3) 6 350653106403001 Duranes #6 (DUR-6) 9 350815106340601 Leyendecker #4 (LEY-4) 3 350642106422801 Gonzales #1 (GON-1) 3 350422106312401 Lomas #5 (LOM-5) 4 350635106415001 Gonzales #2 (GON-2) 6 350538106333001 Love #8 (LOV-8) 3 350309106434501 Leavitt #1 (LEA-1) 3 350445106334001 Ridgecrest #4 (RID-4) 5 350819106344001 Leyendecker #3 (LEY-3) 3 350420106334401 Ridgecrest #5 (RID-5) 1 350422106312401 Lomas #5 (LOM-5) 3 350301106383601 San Jose #3 (SAJ-3) 6 350445106334001 Ridgecrest #4 (RID-4) 1 350744106333501 Thomas #5 (THO-5) 7 350301106383601 San Jose #3 (SAJ-3) 2 350720106330401 Thomas #6 (THO-6) 6 350744106333501 Thomas #5 (THO-5) 4 350719106333401 Thomas #7 (THO-7) 4 350720106330401 Thomas #6 (THO-6) 7 350805106354901 Vol Andia #1 (VOA-1) 5 350719106333401 Thomas #7 (THO-7) 5 350803106351101 Vol Andia #4 (VOA-4) 6 350805106354901 Vol Andia #1 (VOA-1) 3 350828106352101 Vol Andia #6 (VOA-6) 2 350732106350101 Vol Andia #2 (VOA-2) 3 351029106332001 Webster #1 (WEB-1) 5 350931106315501 Walker #3 (WAL-3) 2 351013106333501 Webster #2 (WEB-2) 4 351029106332001 Webster #1 (WEB-1) 4 350358106372901 Yale #2 (YAL-2) 5 351013106333501 Webster #2 (WEB-2) 6 350435106380101 Yale #3 (YAL-3) 2 350918106425401 Zamora #1 (ZAM-1) 5 350918106425401 Zamora #1 (ZAM-1) 4 350852106425701 Zamora #2 (ZAM-2) 3 350256106390801 San Jose 9 1 350256106390801 San Jose 9 4 350638106413702 West Bluff Nest 1 8 350307106410602 Armijo 1 350508106411901 Atrisco #3 (ATR-3) 11 350545106335902 Jerry Cline Park 5 350509106414401 Atrisco #4 (ATR-4) 2 350638106413702 West Bluff Nest 1 6 350359106362401 Burton #1 (BUR-1) 5 350706106390302 Garfield Park 2 350421106361001 Burton #2 (BUR-2) 2 350836106395401 Montaño Nest 6 10 350440106355801 Burton #3 (BUR-3) 3 350908106344402 Sister Cities 2 350647106440001 College #2 (COL-2) 3 351035106364703 Paseo del Norte Nest 3 1 351007106343801 Coronado #2 (COR-2) 2 350552106444601 Arroyo Vista 5 350642106401101 Duranes #1 (DUR-1) 6 350508106411901 Atrisco #3 (ATR-3) 8 350708106405801 Duranes #2 (DUR-2) 7 350509106414401 Atrisco #4 (ATR-4) 5 350629106405101 Duranes #3 (DUR-3) 7 350355106351501 Burton #5 (BUR-5) 1 350628106411501 Duranes #4 (DUR-4) 8 350615106345901 Charles #5 (CHA-5) 4 350653106403001 Duranes #6 (DUR-6) 6 350647106440001 College #2 (COL-2) 3 350655106395001 Duranes #7 (DUR-7) 5 351025106341601 Coronado #1 (COR-1) 6 350635106415001 Gonzales #2 (GON-2) 7 350642106401101 Duranes #1 (DUR-1) 5 350827106395001 Griegos #1 (GRI-1) 5 350708106405801 Duranes #2 (DUR-2) 8 350802106402901 Griegos #3 (GRI-3) 2 350605106411801 Duranes #5 (DUR-5) 4 350727106340801 Leyendecker #2 (LEY-2) 3 350653106403001 Duranes #6 (DUR-6) 9 350819106344001 Leyendecker #3 (LEY-3) 6 350655106395001 Duranes #7 (DUR-7) 2 350815106340601 Leyendecker #4 (LEY-4) 3 350642106422801 Gonzales #1 (GON-1) 3 350422106312401 Lomas #5 (LOM-5) 4 350635106415001 Gonzales #2 (GON-2) 6 350538106333001 Love #8 (LOV-8) 3 350827106395001 Griegos #1 (GRI-1) 2 350401106331401 Ridgecrest #3 (RID-3) 1 350309106434501 Leavitt #1 (LEA-1) 3 350445106334001 Ridgecrest #4 (RID-4) 5 350223106435401 Leavitt #3 (LEA-3) 1 350315106390401 San Jose #2 (SAJ-2) 1 350752106342101 Leyendecker #1 (LEY-1) 3 350301106383601 San Jose #3 (SAJ-3) 6 350422106312401 Lomas #5 (LOM-5) 3 350744106333501 Thomas #5 (THO-5) 7 350744106333501 Thomas #5 (THO-5) 4 350720106330401 Thomas #6 (THO-6) 6 350720106330401 Thomas #6 (THO-6) 7 350719106333401 Thomas #7 (THO-7) 4 350719106333401 Thomas #7 (THO-7) 5 350805106354901 Vol Andia #1 (VOA-1) 5 350711106323101 Thomas #8 (THO-8) 1 350732106350101 Vol Andia #2 (VOA-2) 1 350805106354901 Vol Andia #1 (VOA-1) 3 350803106351101 Vol Andia #4 (VOA-4) 6 350732106350101 Vol Andia #2 (VOA-2) 3 350828106352101 Vol Andia #6 (VOA-6) 2 350803106351101 Vol Andia #4 (VOA-4) 5 350950106434001 Volcano Cliffs#1(VOC-1) 1 350931106315501 Walker #3 (WAL-3) 2 351029106332001 Webster #1 (WEB-1) 5 351029106332001 Webster #1 (WEB-1) 4 351013106333501 Webster #2 (WEB-2) 4 351013106333501 Webster #2 (WEB-2) 6 350358106372901 Yale #2 (YAL-2) 5 350435106380101 Yale #3 (YAL-3) 1 350435106380101 Yale #3 (YAL-3) 2 350918106425401 Zamora #1 (ZAM-1) 5 350918106425401 Zamora #1 (ZAM-1) 4 350852106425701 Zamora #2 (ZAM-2) 3 On p. 79, left column, first and second full paragraphs were revised from "Each of the 11 GA runs provides a unique, nonsequential solution to the GA search; therefore, sites identified for removal from the GA run removing 10 sites are not required to be removed from the GA run removing 15 sites (Fisher, 2013). The number of times that a site was identified for removal in the GA runs (table 8) provides a measure of the influence of that site on the kriged surface; larger values imply that the site provides little to no beneficial added information (Fisher, 2013). Atrisco no. 3 (site no. 350508106411901) was identified for removal in all 11 GA runs for the 2001 time interval and in 8 GA runs for the 2015 time interval. Other sites with relatively large numbers of times identified include West Bluff Nest 1 (site no. 350638106413702, 8 and 6 times for the 2001 time interval and 2015 time interval, respectively); Duranes no. 6 (site no. 350653106403001, 6 and 9 times for the 2001 time interval and 2015 time interval, respectively); and Duranes no. 2 and Duranes no. 3 (site nos. 350708106405801 and 350629106405101, 7 and 8 times for the 2001 time interval and 2015 time interval, respectively). Some sites considered for the spatial assessment (table 1) did not have a groundwater-level measurement in the 2001 time interval and 2015 time interval (“NA” entries in table 2); therefore, sites could be identified for removal in one time interval but not the other time interval solely because the site did not have a groundwater-level measurement in both time intervals. For example, Duranes no. 4 (site no. 350628106411501) was identified for removal in 8 of the 11 GA runs for the 2001 time interval but was not analyzed for the 2015 time interval (table 8). Similarly, Montaño Nest 6 (site no. 350836106395401) was identified for removal in 10 of the 11 GA runs for the 2015 time interval but was not analyzed for the 2001 time interval (table 8)." On p. 79, left column, third full paragraph, first sentence, "14" was revised from "10"; final sentence, "above about 20" was revised from "above 20" On p. 103, in figure 22F, the x-axis label was revised from "PC 2 loadings [−]" On p. 109, right column, first full paragraph, final sentence, "as about 20" was revised from "as 20" Back cover, the ISBN for version 1 was replaced with the ISBN for version 2; "ver. 2" was added to the title on the spine