Version History for U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2021–5144 Surface-Water-Quality Data to Support Implementation of Revised Freshwater Aluminum Water-Quality Criteria in Massachusetts, 2018–19 By David S. Armstrong, Jennifer G. Savoie, Leslie A. DeSimone, Kaitlin L. Laabs, and Richard O. Carey ----------------------------------------------------- First posted online April 12, 2022 ----------------------------------------------------- Revised and reposted February 27, 2023, as version 1.1 On page 47 of the text, the third sentence of the first paragaph in the section "Laboratory Matrix Spikes" was revised. In version 1.0 of the report, the sentence was as follows: "For the four matrix spikes performed, aluminum spike recovery was 51, 75, 99, and 104 percent, respectively." The sentence was revised to the following: "For the four matrix spikes performed, aluminum spike recovery was 75, 87, 98, and 105 percent, respectively." The citation of the data release Armstrong and others (2022) was updated on page ii and in the "References Cited" section to reflect its revision to version 1.1. The abbreviation for the State of Rhode Island was corrected in figure 1.