Version History for U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2022-5095 Updated Annual and Semimonthly Streamflow Statistics for Wild and Scenic Rivers, Owyhee Canyonlands Wilderness, Southwestern Idaho, 2021 By Taylor J. Dudunake and Scott D. Ducar ----------------------------------------------------- First posted online October 12, 2022 ----------------------------------------------------- Revised and reposted May 7, 2024, as version 1.1 Table 1, page 5: For row "13164000, Mary's Creek at Tindall," the latitude was changed from 42.2671 to 42.3107 and longitude from -115.83 to –115.884. The drainage area was changed from 83.6 to 149 mi2. Figure 1, page 2: The map marker for "13164000, Mary's Creek at Tindall" gage was moved from 42.2671/42.3107 and to -115.83/–115.884