Version History for U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2023-5001 Flood-Inundation Maps Created Using a Synthetic Rating Curve for a 10-Mile Reach of the Sabinal River and a 7-Mile Reach of the West Sabinal River Near Utopia, Texas, 2021 By Namjeong Choi ----------------------------------------------------- First version posted online February 28, 2023 ----------------------------------------------------- Revised version posted online September 2023 as version 2.0 The revision was necessary because the gage datum was corrected at the reference streamgage 08197970 Sabinal River at Utopia, Tex., from 1,336 feet (ft) to 1,331.9 ft above the North American Vertical Datum of 1988. The 35 reference stages for flood-inundation maps were changed from 7-24 ft to 11-28 ft in every appearance in the report. On p. 4, in table 1, and on every occasion of the table being called from the text, streamgage datum elevation values were changed as mentioned below. 1,537 ft to 1,520.01 ft for streamgage 08197936 Sabinal River below Mill Creek near Vanderpool, Tex. 1,336 ft to 1,331.9 ft for streamgage 08197970 Sabinal River at Utopia, Tex. (Utopia gage) 1,131.53 ft to 1,131.40 ft for streamgage 08198000 Sabinal River near Sabinal, Tex. 882.56 ft to 882.51 ft for streamgage 08198500 Sabinal River at Sabinal, Tex. Note that the gage-datum values were corrected for other streamgages besides the Utopia gage because of a systematic error discovered in the local area, which is related to data entry practices rather than data accuracy. On p. 7, in the section "Energy-Loss Factors," second paragraph, the term "median" was revised to "maximum" in the following sentence: "The Manning's n values were selected as the maximum values of the ranges of n values that are recommended by the USACE (table 2-1 in U.S. Army Corps of Engineers [2022])." This change was not part of the revision but rather an error discovered in the first version of the publication during the revision process. On p. 8, in table 2, the gage datum in footnote 1 was updated from 1,336 ft to 1,331.9 ft. The updated gage datum was reflected in the table by adding 4 ft to each stage of water-surface profile, which accordingly updated the values for water-surface elevations and estimated discharges. The water-surface elevations each decreased by an amount less than 1 ft, and the estimated discharges decreased by amounts ranging from 40 to 700 cubic feet per second. The estimated discharge values were updated in the text on every occasion the table was called. On p. 9, the differences between simulated water-surface elevations and target water-surface elevations for the 35 stages at the Utopia gage were updated from "ranged from 2.5 to -0.80 ft with a median of 1.56 ft and an RMSE of 1.59 ft" to "ranged from 2.2 to -0.7 ft with a median of 1.0 ft and an RMSE of 1.3 ft." On p. 10, in table 3, Manning's n values were updated from the median values to the maximum values suggested by the reference. The values were increased by an average of 0.03, ranging from 0.01 to 0.0525. Again, these changes were not part of the revision but rather errors discovered in the first version of the publication during the revision process. On p. 12, in table 4, the stage values were updated from 7-24 ft to 11-28 ft. The simulated water-surface elevation values were updated according to the model results. Target water-surface elevations were shifted down by 0.1 ft. Differences in elevation were updated from -0.8-2.5 ft to -0.7-2.2 ft. On p. 14, figure 4 was updated to show the simulated flood-inundation extent corresponding to the corrected reference stage of 28 ft. The associated data release was updated on the back of the title page and in the "References Cited" section, p. 16, to Choi, N., 2023, Geospatial and model dataset for flood-inundation maps in a 10-mile reach of the Sabinal River and a 7-mile reach of the West Sabinal River near Utopia, Texas, 2021: U.S. Geological Survey data release, In the "References Cited" section, on p. 18, the three references for the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Water Information System were updated from 2021 and 2022 access dates to 2023 access dates for the newer, corrected data, and the publication years in these database references were updated accordingly to 2023. Alpha labels were added to distinguish the three USGS (2023) references, and the newly unneeded alpha label for the USGS National Water Dashboard reference was removed (originally 2022c, updated to 2022). The intext citations throughout the report were updated accordingly.