Version History for U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2023–5114 Effects of Noise from Oil and Gas Development on Ungulates and Small Mammals—A Science Synthesis to Inform National Environmental Policy Act Analyses By Tait K. Rutherford, Logan M. Maxwell, Nathan J. Kleist, Elisabeth C. Teige, Richard J. Lehrter, Megan A. Gilbert, David J.A. Wood, Aaron N. Johnston, Claudia Mengelt, John C. Tull, Travis S. Haby, and Sarah K. Carter ----------------------------------------------------- First posted online October 25, 2023 ----------------------------------------------------- Revised and reposted July 22, 2024, as version 1.1 On the front cover, “Version 1.1, July 2024” was added underneath “Scientific Investigations Report 2023–5114” On the inside front cover, the order of the banner image credits was corrected to match the links. On page i, “Version 1.1, July 2024” was added underneath “Scientific Investigations Report 2023–5114” On page viii, in the abbreviations list, the definition for the Leq term was changed from “logarithmic average” to “equivalent sound level” On page viii, in the abbreviations list, the definition for the Lmax term was changed from “maximum” to “maximum sound pressure level during the timeframe of interest” On page viii, in the abbreviations list, the definition for the Lmin term was changed from “minimum” to “minimum sound pressure level during the timeframe of interest” On page viii, in the abbreviations list, the definition for the Lx term was changed from “sound pressure that is exceeded x percent of the timeframe of interest” to “exceedance percentile” On page ix, in the species list, “polar bear Ursus maritimus” was added to the list, above the “pronghorn” entry. On page 3, under the heading “Purpose of this Report,” in the second paragraph, in the second sentence, “a useful mechanism” was changed to "useful mechanisms" On page 4, in table 1, in the second-to-last row under the “Relevant information in this science synthesis” column, the text was reworded as follows: “This report synthesizes science about relationships between noise from oil and gas development and ungulates and small mammals, which may inform estimation of the direct, indirect, and cumulative effects of noise from a proposed action and alternatives. This document also describes methods for site-specific analysis of noise from oil and gas development.” On page 5, under the subheading “1.1.1. Sound Level”, the sixth and seventh sentences of the first bullet point were reworded as follows: “Sound pressure level (L) statistics include the maximum sound pressure level (Lmax), minimum sound pressure level (Lmin), and logarithmic average of the sound pressure level (also known as the equivalent sound level [Leq]) during the timeframe of interest. In addition, studies often report the exceedance percentile (Lx), or the sound pressure level that was exceeded x percent of the timeframe of interest” On page 7, the sidebar title was corrected from “Section 1.2 and 1.3 Highlights” to “Sections 1.2 and 1.3 Highlights”. The associated entry in the table of contents was also corrected. On page 8, under the subheading “1.2.2. Spatial Factors That Affect Noise from Oil and Gas Development,” in the third bullet point, in the second sentence, “near simulated polar bear dens” was changed to “near simulated Ursus maritimus (polar bear) dens” On page 9, under the subheading “Construction, Drilling, and Completion,” in the third paragraph, in the last sentence, “(Nwoye and others, 2014)” was changed to “(Dowling and Mahmoudi, 2015)” On page 10, in table 3’s headnote, “Lx, exceedance percentile; dBF, flat frequency response;” was added after “dBZ, Z-weighted decibel;” On page 10, in table 3, the extra space in “82 dBC (Le q)4” was removed. On page 10, in table 3, “71 dB (1-min Leq)8” was changed to “71 dBF (1-min Leq)8”. On page 15, figure 4 was updated. On page 15, in the figure 4 caption, the beginning of the caption was changed from “Depiction of the differences in the outputs…” to “Differences in the outputs…” On page 15, in the figure 4 caption, “DEM, digital elevation model;” was changed to “digital elevation model [DEM],” On page 15, in the figure 4 caption, “NLCD, National Land Cover Database” was changed to “National Land Cover Database [NLCD]” On page 15, in the figure 4 caption, in the last sentence, “km, kilometer” was changed to “m, meter” On page 17, under the subheading “3.2.2. Option 2—Geospatial Sound Propagation Modeling Tools,” in the second paragraph, in the second sentence, “(Hastings, 2021;” was changed to “(Federal Highway Administration, 2021;” On page 26, in the references cited list, in the Betchkal and Balantic (2023) entry, “SMSIM” in the reference title was changed to “NMSIM” On page 26, in the references cited list, the Bernath-Plaisted and Koper (2016) entry was moved to be after the Berger and others (2016) entry. On page 27, in the references cited list, the BLM (2015a) entry was changed to read as follows: “Bureau of Land Management [BLM], 2015a, Bureau of Land Management Casper, Kemmerer, Newcastle, Pinedale, Rawlins, and Rock Springs Field Offices approved resource management plan amendment for greater sage-grouse: Cheyenne, Wyo., U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Wyoming State Office, 111 p., accessed March 7, 2024, at” On page 27, in the references cited list, the BLM (2015b) entry was changed to read as follows: “Bureau of Land Management [BLM], 2015b, Record of decision and approved resource management plan amendments for the Rocky Mountain Region, including the greater sage-grouse sub-regions of Lewistown, North Dakota, Northwest Colorado, Wyoming and the approved resource management plans for Billings, Buffalo, Cody, HiLine, Miles City, Pompeys Pillar National Monument, South Dakota, Worland: Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, 328 p., accessed March 7, 2024, at” On page 29, in the references cited list, the Hastings (2021) entry was changed to read as follows: “Federal Highway Administration, 2021, Technical manual—Traffic Noise Model 3.1: Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration Office of Natural Environment FHWA-HEP-21-041, 150 p., accessed March 7, 2024, at” It was also moved to be after the Engineering Toolbox (2003) reference entry on page 28 for alphabetical order. On page 29, in the references cited list, the Heffner and Heffner (2010) entry was moved to be after the Heffner and Masterton (1980) reference entry. On page 31, in the references cited list, the Krausman and others (2004) entry was moved to be after the Krausman, Harris, and Ashbeck (1998) reference entry. On page 31, in the references cited list, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2011) entry was changed to read as follows: “Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2011, The future of natural gas—An interdisciplinary MIT study: Cambridge, Mass., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 287 p., accessed April 6, 2023, at” On page 32, in the references cited list, the Nwoye and others (2014) entry was changed to read as follows: “Dowling, A.P., and Mahmoudi, Y., 2015, Combustion noise: Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, v. 35, no. 1, p. 65–100, accessed March 8, 2024, at” It was also moved to be before the Drolet and others (2016) reference entry on page 28 for alphabetical order. On page 34, in the references cited list, the U.S. Department of the Interior and U.S. Department of Agriculture (2007) entry was moved to be after the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service (2015b) reference. On page 44, in the references list for appendix 2, the Heffner and Heffner (2010) entry was moved to be after the Heffner and Masterton (1980) reference entry. On the very last page of the report, “, ver. 1.1” was added after “SIR 2023–5114”