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Techniques and Methods 6–A47

Groundwater Resources Program

Use of Multi-Node Wells in the Groundwater-Management Process of MODFLOW–2005 (GWM–2005)

By David P. Ahlfeld and Paul M. Barlow

Thumbnail of and link to report PDF (842 KB)Abstract

Many groundwater wells are open to multiple aquifers or to multiple intervals within a single aquifer. These types of wells can be represented in numerical simulations of groundwater flow by use of the Multi-Node Well (MNW) Packages developed for the U.S. Geological Survey’s MODFLOW model. However, previous versions of the Groundwater-Management (GWM) Process for MODFLOW did not allow the use of multi-node wells in groundwater-management formulations. This report describes modifications to the MODFLOW–2005 version of the GWM Process (GWM–2005) to provide for such use with the MNW2 Package. Multi-node wells can be incorporated into a management formulation as flow-rate decision variables for which optimal withdrawal or injection rates will be determined as part of the GWM–2005 solution process. In addition, the heads within multi-node wells can be used as head-type state variables, and, in that capacity, be included in the objective function or constraint set of a management formulation. Simple head bounds also can be defined to constrain water levels at multi-node wells. The report provides instructions for including multi-node wells in the GWM–2005 data-input files and a sample problem that demonstrates use of multi-node wells in a typical groundwater-management problem.

First posted September 25, 2013

For additional information contact:
Office of Groundwater
U.S. Geological Survey
411 Federal Center
Reston, VA 20192
(703) 642-5001

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Suggested citation:

Ahlfeld, D.P., and Barlow, P.M., 2013, Use of multi-node wells in the Groundwater-Management Process of MODFLOW–2005 (GWM–2005): U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods, book 6, chap. A47, 26 p.,





Multi-Node Wells in Management Formulations

Sample Problem: MNW–Supply

Impact of Multi-Node Wells on the GWM Algorithm



References Cited

Appendix 1. Input Instructions for Use of MNW-Type Wells in a GWM Formulation

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